Under New Management

The lovely and talented SarahK will be taking over administrative duties on IMAO and begin to finally update things that are probably more than a year overdue for updating. She also has full access to all posts and can correct my grammar mistakes as I post them.
Also, Links of the Day™ will be back with her running it. If you have a great post (it should be an especially good post you’re proud of – not necessarily humorous – or some post or link you stumbled on that you think deserves attention), then e-mail her. I don’t have an IMAO e-mail for her yet (I plan on having e-mails for all the bloggers here) so go to her site and use her e-mail there to submit your links.


  1. First!
    LOL – finally some organization here! Wow, what a concept. Oh, and Sarah, don’t forget to correct Frank’s oopsie above, when he wrote “her” (e-mail for all the bloggers her) when he MEANT “here.”
    BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Lady editors, unite! LOL (and now I’d better proof this so I don’t completely embarrass myself…)
    CatHouse Chat

  2. It’s been so many moons since you blew off me request for an e-mail account, i had totally forgotten! So I suppose a new t-shirt babe needs t’ be selected due t’ t’ conflict o’ interest and age 30 cut off issues ya scurvy dog. It’s been so many moons since you blew off me request for an e-mail account, i had totally forgotten! So I suppose a new t-shirt babe needs t’ be selected due t’ t’ conflict o’ interest and age 30 cut off issues ya scurvy dog. <]b^D

  3. Damn, Frank … Set phasers to ‘Emasculate’ and Fire!!!
    You’re not even hitched yet, and yo’ woman runing your whole life!
    (So, did She put your balls in one of those decorative pottery jars with the cork top? Mine did 14 years ago… havn’t seen them or the check book since…)

  4. Chickenhawk is a colloquial term having three different meanings:
    * Chickenhawk: a subjective political epithet applied to those who vote for a war, support a war, command a war, or develop war policy, but who have not personally served in the military.
    * Chickenhawk: formerly the name of two species of hawk known to prey on barnyard fowl – the Red-tailed Hawk and the Cooper’s Hawk.
    * Chickenhawk: a homosexual man attracted to, or seeking, much younger men.
    from Wikipedia
    Which one should be applied to our little troll?
    I’m thinkin’ door #3.
    As for being applied to us, I think definition #1 (his apparently intended meaning) reveals a longhaired moonbat wuss who prefers to hide in the closet at the mention of OBL’s name and hopes OBL will go away. BTW many here have served.
    How about you, minibrain?
    -military intelligence, Germany, early 70’s-
    If I told you more, I’d have to post pics of ted Kennedy nude which would sear your eyeballs and kill you.

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