Where’s Ducky?

Hi Gang,
Brief update. Life has been busy with lots of interesting challenges.
1. No baby yet. On Friday, we thought it was The Time, when suddenly all of her contractions stopped. This was good since we had a surprise baby shower on Saturday and it was 1 am and didn’t feel like staying up even later.
2. Computer at home is broken. I was going to have a fundraiser at my site, then realized that Katrina charities could probably use the money even more. Besides, it wouldn’t kill me to spend more time with my family. Weird, my computer had more viruses than a MoveOn rally. So, very little writing can get done since…
3. Employer has cracked down on internet usage. Everything is now monitored.
Combine that with the fact that this is the busiest time of year at work (this is the equivalent of our Christmas Season) and you have for very little RWD enjoyment.
I’ll be back full time the week before Halloween.
In the meantime – amuse yourselves with this ball of string.


  1. I’m sure there are many IMAO fans that want Ducky to contribute more to the blog and podcast, but it will be difficult for him to do without a fully functioning PC.
    Will anyone in our wonderful and generous audience donate a new-to-him computer to RightWingDuck for his family?

  2. Good luck on the duckling! Babies rock, even if they do cut into your blogging (or podcasting) time …
    As for a computer … I have 3 dead laptops if that helps? Or, I may be able to dig up a rock-solid XT, interested? AT? Howzabout a 386DX-40 (not SX!)?

  3. I actually have 4 comps. One is dead for unknown reasons, board probably, it’s an old AMD K6/2 that up & quit working; a brand new P4 is dead for again unknown reasons (it was on the floor under my desk when it suffered a flood, might just be the power supply blown, haven’t checked it out yet); and a 3rd fully functioning P2 I might part with. Plus parts enough, minus a board & CPU, to build at least one more. The 4th I just built, AMD 64-bit monster with all the trimmings which I’m now using. You can’t have that, Ducky, no matter how much I enjoy your posts. Drop me an email if we need to talk.

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