Working Link to Ruffini Straw Poll

A working link to the Ruffini straw poll is here
IMAO’s referal results can be viewed here


  1. I was going to post a comment, but it’s far too vicious in here. My sensitivity and self-esteem would get wrecked beyond repair, unless I could get in the way such a storm…then the government would help repair me…but…which government..the local?…the state?…the feds?…IMAO?

  2. Minibrain forgets that many of us are women ourselves. Which explains quite a lot about him, actually…must be the decided lack of ‘getting some’. After all, the hot chicks are all conservatives and won’t touch that nancy-boy with a ten-foot cattle prod. All he has left are hairy hippy chicks who haven’t bathed since Woodstock…the first one.

  3. Goog one Nanashi.
    Oh, yeah, and lacksabrain, I’m a woman too. Trust me, Rice would get the votes she needs… as is demonstrated by her being in the front of this month’s poll and last month’s.

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