You Want the Funny; We Give You the Funny

Have you downloaded the latest IMAudiO? It’s super-funny, and make sure to pass it on (or the clips) to everyone who should know about it. And, with the addition of Homocon, our cast is now 3% gayer (don’t ask).
Unfortunately, the stress of putting eight (nine?) people spread across the country together in one audio is show is getting to be too much (despite the simulated back and forth banter, you could put all of us IMAO talent in one room and none of us would recognize each other). Scott is getting burned out as this is taking his whole weekend to put together, and, while that doesn’t affect the rest of us and is easy to dismiss, Scott might actually die from the stress if he continued at this pace. That would leave the rest of us to edit it, and then IMAudiO would sound like… well… a podcast (have you listened to the other stuff out there?). So, IMAudiO production will be slowed until we have a business plan (including promotion) so we know we’re moving towards getting at least some compensation for our time and effort.
Anyway, I have a great post ready for today, and, for those who’ve been reading my impromptu story Superego, this is the week it really starts to get interesting (I feel like a season of 24 where I’m packing as many twists into one story as possible). Thanks to everyone who has been enjoying it so far; that makes me feel good.
Be honorable, ronin.


  1. This is a shame. I love the IMAudiO. However, I can understand how much trouble it must be to pull this entire thing together. If you believe that you are unable to continue with it, then I understand. As long as you continue to be funny there shouldn’t be a problem.

  2. The IMAO podcast, or audio, or whatever you’re calling it now, brightens up my Mondays. I really enjoy it, don’t give up now! Never give up, never surrender!
    Seriously, do whatever you need to make it worth your while. Stick some ads in there or something…

  3. I swear, the World Zionist Conspiracy is on the case. They’re just a little slow with mailing out the checks because their U.S. base of operations was moved from Miami Beach to New Orleans recently…
    Don’t ask. I think it had something to do with investing heavily in bead futures and trying to corner the market on vomit.

  4. Thanks, but “nice comments” don’t carry the same weight that cash does down at the grocery store.
    Does anyone reading or listening have a business degree and wants to help IMAO monetize the podcast? Contact Frank J.

  5. I just want to join the (what should be) throngs of adoring IMAudiO fans thanking Scott for all his hard work. I’m in heavy anticipation come Monday morning for the latest funny! If I figure out a waa for it to produce $$$ I’ll be sure to post the details. Truly funny stuff, though. Thanks for all your hard work Scott, and to everyone else for their time and effort as well!

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