Fun Trivia Challenge

Two of these statements were taken from Al Jazeera.
One was from USA Today.
Can you tell which is which without clicking the links?

A) It has become abundantly clear that the United States invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons. No link has been established between Saddam Hussein and the terrorists responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. No weapons of mass destruction have been located inside Iraq.
B) More US soldiers have died in Iraq since George Bush declared an end to the war on 1 May 2003 prompting the question: Will Iraq turn into a new Vietnam eventually bringing the US to its senses … or perhaps to its knees?
C) US and British occupation of Iraq is regarded as the re-emergence of the old colonialist practices of the western empires in some quarters.


  1. Nylecoj – um… ok, you get 1000 IMAO points.
    Which are very much like the points on “Whose Line Is It, Anyway?”
    James – although it WAS in the opinion section, I found it through Google News.
    Which may or may not be a reflection on Google.

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