More Ducky Announcements

First Update: RWD would like to introduce the latest addition to the Duck family.

Baby duck was born 8 pounds six ounces on September 30th. Momma is doing fine, daddy is getting used to a little less sleep each night. He sleeps most of the day and wakes up demanding to be fed. It’s like having our own little union worker.
Second Update:
Sadly, the hospital bills drained the RWD new computer fund. So, no brilliant satirical funny until I can replace El Broko Computer-o (That’s Spanglish for Fist in the Screen). I’m holding a mini-fundraister. If you miss your daily dose of Ducky funny, please paypal your contribution to the Ducky Computer Fund at rightwingduckatyahoodotcom. I don’t want a fancy one – just one that can get me online and writing again.
Otherwise, I’ll be lurking in the background screaming my jokes at the computer screen.
Ha ha. That was a good one right there. Too bad you couldn’t hear it.
hahaha. That was another good one. Hee. I crack me up.
Thanks all.


  1. Congratulations on your little one. I suggest you name him “Drake”.
    More seriously, this is a wonderful thing. I wish him a long and happy life, and you and your wife much joy in raising him.

  2. Duck? Where’s the wings?
    And you should name the tyke “Scrooge McDuck” in hopes he’ll acquire a money bin later in life and let you surf in it.
    Congrats, and may you have joy in him: I, having observed friends having families, and having experienced raising an ex-step-grand-daughter the first 3 years of her life, am devoutly glad I never chose to reproduce.
    Those of you who have the patience and temperment, more power to you!
    My genes are better left unsowed anyway.

  3. Congratulations! That’s great news!
    Have you settled on a name? How about Ronald Wilson Duck?
    My wife and I are expecting a new baby any day (today is the due date), and your cute baby picture made me jealous.

  4. Congrats on yer new youngling!!!
    My little bean was born on the 22 Sep and weighed in at just under 8 lbs 1 oz. She too, sleeps an awful lot, waking primarily to bellow for either changing of the guard ( ewwww ) or a seat at her favorite eatery, Chez Mama.

  5. Mmmm… he looks like he’d be great with a little orange sauce… 😉 Congratulations.
    Babies aren’t union workers. They are scientists sent on research expeditions from a far away planet called Baby-Lon. They speak their own language (Baby-Lonian) and have their own customs, such as putting food on your head to show how pleased you are with the dinner you have been served, or decorating with smears of poo.
    They are here to conduct gravity experiments. The gravity on Baby-Lon is quite a bit less than the gravity on Earth, so they want to see how various objects react to the Earth’s gravity. They spend the first part of their lives here getting used to the higher gravity, and then they begin conducting their experiments by dropping toys and food at every opportunity.
    Unfortunately for the Baby-Lonians back home, very few of these scientists have actually returned to make their reports. Most of them end up “going native”– learning the local language, adopting local customs, and eventually intermarrying with the Earthlings.

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