Why Not Miers?

It seems like everyone is apoplectic about Bush’s new Supreme Court nomination, but I didn’t spend three hours in line to early vote in 2004 and then stay up all night live-blogging the election returns just to turn on Bush now. I think we should all give Bush the benefit of the doubt (again) and each say something nice about Harriet Miers. I’ll start:
* She seems to have excellent posture.
* “Harriet” sounds like “Harrier Jet,” and Harrier jets are cool.
* If her pick is cronyism, then it further proves that Bush has a wide variety of cronies in the areas of gender and race.
Now, everyone else write something else nice about Harriet Miers in the comments.

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  1. P.S. I was hoping for someone that was the polar opposite of Ginsberg… but how are we supposed to know? Maybe she is… but if the dems were pushing for her… I kinda doubt it.
    P.P.S. How come I haven’t been able to download any new podcasts since Sep. 12? I miss em. πŸ™

  2. 1) She’s an evangelical Christian Sunday School teacher.
    2) She’s from Texas, yee-hah.
    3) She’s been working on the War on Terror for the past four years inside the White House.
    4) She’s run a business, dealing with government regulations, affirmative action, etc.
    5) Bush trusts her.

  3. When he takes off that mask and reveals to the senate that by confirming mediocre lawyer Harriet Miers, they have actually unwwittingly just confirmed Justice Robert Bork, we will have sweet, sweet revenge.

  4. She is a conservative ideologue with an agenda, and no judicial brainwashing to get in her way. She will author the opinion that overrules Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. She will affirm that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental individual right to keep and bear arms for personal and civil defense, and will apply it to the States via the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. And the left will be on record saying that she is OK and will have to answer to their base for endorsing her. This nomination will end the democRat party forever.

  5. She sports a very pre-Rowe v.Wade hairstyle. That’s good news. I’d be nervous if she wore a spiked hairdo.
    And her earings aren’t on her nose. That’s good news! And her name is Harriet! That’s good news!

  6. Speaking of that…
    A reporter asked President Bush what his thoughts were on Roe Vs. Wade.
    Bush responded, “I don’t care how people get out of New Orleans, as long as they hurry!”
    Oh…wait…you probably wanted something relevant to the conversation at hand.
    She, uh, doesn’t think the above joke is very funny.
    There. All is well.

  7. There are reliable reports that she knows how to read at or above a 6th grade level, which (if true) makes her better qualified for the Supreme Court than the 7 S.C. judges who supported the majority position in Roe v. Wade, and at least 5 of the S.C. judges who still support it.

  8. A) I thought only oppressed minorities in Ohio and Florida had to stand in line on election day.
    B) She’s not Janet Reno.
    C) She prevents liberals from painting Bush as an extremist who will use the court to “turn back the clock” (whatever that means) thus ensuring that “moderate” voters will not torpedo Republicans in the ’06 midterms (at least not based on SCOTUS nominations) thereby allowing us to build on our majority in the Senate. Once we have a filibuster-proof majority in ’07 Bush can nominate in-your-face-conservatives to replace Ginsberg and/or Stevens.

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