Chuck Norris Without a Beard

This short discussion involves spoilers to last night’s episode of 24:

Secret Service Agent Aaron Pierce always seemed like a badass just waiting for his moment. He’s one of the few characters left who has been in all five seasons but never had a chance for action. Still, with his all business demeanor with absolutely no emotion, you could tell that guy was just waiting for terrorists to get in bullet reach. Last night, we finally got to see how kickass he really is.
So, the terrorists hit the Secret Service limo with a rocket launcher, and it looked like Aaron was already dead. In fact, he was JUST NAPPING because the terrorist attack BORED HIM THAT MUCH! He probably would have just slept through the whole thing of the limo being shot with submachine guns and a flamethrower, but the first lady was all panicky. So Aaron just casually pulled out his gun, opened the door, shot the three terrorists (exploding the flamethrower guy), and then WENT BACK TO NAPPING!
Secret Service Agent Aaron Pierce is TOTALLY AWESOME! We should start him a fan club. In a fight between him and Jack Bauer, I don’t think Jack would last a second.


  1. Don’t take this the wrong way or anything Frank…but you are TOTALLY huffin’ glue if you think Aaron and Jack are even in the same league.
    Yea, Aaron’s a bad man and all, and he killed him some terrorists…yeay for him…but a match for Jack? You’re kidding! On Halloween, Aaron dresses up like Jack Bauer, while Jack Bauer just knocks on your door and says “Give me your candy, and everybody GET DOWN NOW!!!!!!!”

  2. I don’t know, Bauer is kind of soft. On his own, he kicks terrorist ass and takes quite a beating. But as soon as they have a single hostage (that he has a personal connection to), he gives up his gun. Agent Pierce would have shot his own girlfriend’s son rather than come out of hiding in the airport.

  3. Yeah, maybe the rocket attack bored Aaron, but let’s face it: had it been Jack in the limo, the rocket would’ve turned around and gone back after the terrorist that launched it, mad that the guy tried to send the rocket on an impossible mission to kill Jack Bauer.
    Stupid terrorist.

  4. I’ve taken names. I’m having a really busy day today & I guessing (correctly) that you people are a bunch of wimps so I’m sending my Maltese, Jack Bowwower for you.
    You will be killed and eaten. Not so much as toenails will be left.

  5. Secret Service Agent Aaron Pierce definitely made it look easy but a match for Jack….don’t know. But what I want to know is what the hell is that computer in CTU doing with random blue boxes floating around like it is doing some important task…seriously what is up with that? Oh and let’s not forget Lynn McGill , Rudy, Sam, Sean Astin he is at a breaking point just give the man a gun and stand back

  6. Yeah I thought the same thing at first, like: if he wasn’t shot(he wasn’t) why didn’t he get into the sh*t right away..why the hesistation etc. My guess is he was supposed to be stunned by the explosion. Notably, Jack Bauer wasn’t all that stunned by the explosion meant to kill him in that same episode. So Jack is still meant to be made of meaner stuff than dedicated secret service man. In an underwater explosion situation though, would Aquaman do better than than the other two? Pressure waves from an explosion travel better in water, faster and with less losses..but would this be worse or better for Jack Bauer than for Aquaman ? Aquaman’s underwater hearing is better than Jack’s, a priori, so maybe his ears ‘d be more sensitive to the same explosion. Somebody help with this, or I may lose sleep worrying how that would play out.

  7. Aaron rocks but he’s no match for Jack! He’s stuck protecting the wimpy ass of the president (if you can call him that).
    I think AquaMan would have had this situation wrapped up by now had CTU been smart enough to call him in. But NOOOO our “super hero” is probably down in the Big Easy celebrating Mardi Gra with his boy friend…

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