Doesn’t it just warm your heart . . .

. . . to see the clowns prancing in the streets of New Orleans again for Mardi Gras?


  1. I’m glad to see everyones priorities are just where they ought to be. Who needs jobs, businesses, houses, schools and hospitals when there are clowns, bands, half naked women and liquior? Is New Orleans Sadom or Gammorah? … but of course it doesn’t matter.
    These people are the poster children for eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die…(planks from the Democratic Party platform) Too bad they never read the rest of the chapter..Sooooo sad.

  2. Awww, come on . . .
    Carnival is a major economic event in this city. Nearly all of the krewe members are locals who spend LOTS of money on the beads and cups and doubloons and stuffed animals that they throw to the crowds. The crowds are mostly families from the area . . . People who have returned and are trying to make it. Don’t forget that someone has to sell us the beer, and clean up the trash! And who could turn down half-naked women? Are you with me, guys?

  3. The whole dam$ed town needs to be bulldozed into the gulf, if there ever was a need for the the few to bite the bullet for the the many, theres one. Irritates the crap out of me that my tax$$$$$ are going to be spent there, just so it can be flooded againg this year, and the next…pray for global warming and the oceans to rise enough and soon…to swamp new orleans..WK

  4. ok heres a few fact about mardi gras and New Olreans
    1. no tax money of any kind is spent on the parades. The whole thing is privatly funded, right down to the cops salaries.
    2. its the ecconomic equivalant of four super bowel games a day.
    3. the majority of the misbehavior you see on TV is from tourists not locals.
    4. NOLA is one of three major ports in america failure to rebuild will cause disruptions to the plains ability to ship goods overseas.
    5. why the (*^(^ should we have to were the black armband forever. We hace worked hard under difficult conditions arent we alowed to take a breather? Did they cancel the macys thankgiving day parade after 911?

  5. Yeah, but you were stupid enough to build a town below sea level on a known flood plain right next to a Gulf frequently wracked with tropical storms and hurricanes.
    We have nothing but respect foor the PEOPLE that helped people, but the town can stay the **** underwater.
    And you should be beated with a Clue Bat for suggesting rebuilding it, especialy since it would STILL BE BELOW SEA LEVEL.

  6. Everyone needs a breather once and a while, and I do believe in everyones God given right to act like a moron ( local or tourist). I do also understand that this brings in tourist dollars to the area. What I am frustrated with is the idea that life in that area is unlivable. but not unpartiable.
    This is an indication of the inability of people in the private and government sectors to put “needs” in front of “wants.” If the area is still such a disaster then people should not be encouraged to travel there. Most of all it’s just sad to think that in the face of such wholesale devastation people would rather spend their money on their own personal entertainment, than helping people who lost everything.
    ** By the by- they did have a Macy’s parade after 9-11, but the terrorist did not bomb Macy’s nor did people use the parade as an excuse to party themselves into a stupor. As analogies go that one’s a stretch, I think.
    As far as rebuilding the port goes, that should be done. As far as rebuilding a city under sea level, that would be like spitting into the wind. Eventually it will be destroyed again. It’s just not logical.

  7. While the port rebuilding is a sound idea, the idea that people want to rebuild the entire city is somewhat baffling. The whole fiasco of the flooding shouldn’t have come as a suprise to anyone sober enough to realize that it wasn’t about outdated levys or global warming-related supercells or torpid gov’t response times. The plain fact is that it was not a matter of if and why, but when and when it will happen again. A good cause for celebration would be deciding to rebuild a bit further into the interior and a little bit higher than sea level, preferably not on top of a swamp.

  8. Ok everyone I will remeber you coments when catastrophy vistits you. I will also inform the entire nation of denmark that they are untenable due to the fact that most of that nation is under sea level. As for the port where in the heck do you think the workers are going to live? the nearest town above sea level is baton rouge. Should they commute? Perhapse we should evacuate the whole gulf coast incluing florida since they are but a scant three feet above sea level.Or should we clear torando alley and leave the plain states empty because tornados are going to strike eventually?
    My point here is that we always build against nature. We dont run from nature we build around it. NOLA is vital and failure to rebuilb will result in problems. The main point I have here is the I know better but dont live here syndrome. In short if and when nature vists your town with disaster you will rightly expect your government to aid you in rebuilding. Thats why you pay taxes. Here we have a problem and the people need help but a bunch of people who live in other states arent willing to help rebuild because they want to spent the money on themselves. Heres my other problem, when a huricane hits florida, tx, miss,bama, we dont have these debates. We do when it hits here. So thus are we not Americans down here? And if not I want my tax money back.

  9. Not to belabor the point, Spender but when was the last time Denmark was devastated by a hurricane.
    I understand all of the emotional reasons for rebuilding the city, bigger and better than ever. But logically, and fiscally it may not be the best idea. In one of the previous postings someone suggested rebuilding further inland. It’s a thought.
    I have nothing against NO, and have visited it in the past. I just question the wisdom of pouring billions of dollars into a city that will eventually be destroyed again. If there was a way to ensure that destruction from hurricanes would not level the city again, I would be all for the rebuild, but to rebuild just in order to wait for the next disaster seems foolish at best.

  10. when was the last time Denmark was devastated by a hurricane.>In one of the previous postings someone suggested rebuilding further inland. It’s a thought.>I just question the wisdom of pouring billions of dollars into a city that will eventually be destroyed again.>If there was a way to ensure that destruction from hurricanes would not level the city again, I would be all for the rebuild, <
    I doubt that because There IS a way. Build the bloody protections systems to code. The leavies were designed for a CAT 3 storm. They failed in a strong CAT 2. The reason is that the army corps built the things improperly. NOLA had nothing to do with it. Also we were promised since 1970 that a CAT 5 upgrade was on the way, it never came, he money went to new england. We have had a system to prevent this exact problem on the drawing board since 1971 but the money went to pork project like alaskan bridges between islands that were occupied with about 58 people.
    Heres my proposition. Louisiana dosent get any more than 8% (TX and the other states get about 40-50%)of its oil rev from the leases due to other states senators using the money for pork. Give us the money and we will do it ourselves without taking a dime from your tax money. Just give us our money and stop treating us like retarted children. We do have sense of our own you know.

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