24 Day 5 – 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. (liveblog, DVR-delayed)

Graphic violence is so wonderful! Let us praise the graphic violence warning! We’re gonna be really disappointed one day if there’s not graphic violence.
Previously on 24, Jack got stoopid and tricked by Robocop, Audrey made me almost like her, and Lynn went cuckoo for cocoa puffs, so Curtis jacked his position. Mr. Logan didn’t save his wife, but CTU and Aaron did (3 terrorists, 3 bullets, 3 kills). The terrorist threatened President Estrogen.

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Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Gums



and you thought frank’s nip slip photo was disturbing — check out everybody’s favorite village idiot, Cindy Sheehan, getting busted in NYC today . . .

via lotr-c
“Richard Grenell, the spokesman for the U.S. Mission, said in response to Sheehan’s arrest: “We invited her in to discuss her concerns with a U.S. Mission employee. She chose not to come in but to lay down in front of the building and block the entrance. It was clearly designed to be a media stunt, not aimed at rational discussion,” Grenell said.”

on sale now


Oscar Announces Changes

Inspired by the brave and noble words of George Clooney, the Motion Picture Academy today announced a new category for gay pornography.
“We felt touched — deeply- by his words when he said, ‘We’re a little bit out-of-touch in Hollywood.’ For this reason, we felt it best to include a category that most deeply reflects the desires of those who most deeply affect motion pictures – critics”
“We’re excited about this change! Brokeback was only the beginning!”said a closeted spokesman. “We’re thinking this will be Fant-A-Boo-Lous!!”
Directors are already signing up to direct gay versions of all the current Hollywood hits including: Boy Crash — Good Night and Get Out – and Ca-Pooty. Additionally, the alternative family crowd is eagerly anticipating the newest offering – Very Curious George And The Man With The Big Yellow Banana.
Once again, Hollywood leads the charge in making America a better place.

Have Pen, Won’t Travel

Apparently, famous writer Margaret Atwood believes that autographing books via remote-control robot is good enough for her fans.

Margaret Atwood has had enough of long journeys, late nights and writer’s cramp.
Tired of grueling book tours, the Booker Prize-winning Canadian author on Sunday unveiled her new invention: a remote-controlled pen that allows writers to sign books for fans from thousands of miles away.
Some fear Atwood’s LongPen could end the personal contact between writers and readers. Atwood says it will enhance the relationship.
“I think of this as a democratizing device,” said Atwood, whose appearances draw hundreds of fans willing to stand in long lines for a word and an autograph.
“You cannot be in five countries at the same time. But you can be in five countries at the same time with the LongPen.”

Does this mean the end of the traditional sadistic publicist-demanded book tour, the bane of writers throughout history?
But the real question is whether Army Of Davids author and gadget-addict Glenn Reynolds will start resorting to a remote-controlled robotic puppy-blender to handle public appearances? Or do robotic puppy-blenders only blend robotic Sony Aibo puppies? (Wasn’t that a Philip K. Dick novel?)

Liberals and Conservatives, Cats and Dogs

A neat survey on Liberal versus Conservative preferences on cats and dogs and other issues (guess who is more likely to be depressed).

Hollywood Isn’t Out of Touch; You Are
An Editorial by Frank J.

 Many people think that Hollywood is out of touch with mainstream America; people who think that are crazy and stupid and full of themselves. Those who don’t understand and cherish what Hollywood actors and directors bring to the important issues today are ignorant of both what’s important in America and of Hollywood itself.

 Hollywood people are better than us; if you don’t believe that, then you are just jealous. These people are troopers. How often has an actor had the disappointment of their personal assistant forgetting to take the crust off of his sandwich but went on to perform anyway? Sure, he threw a fit, fired the assistant, and pouted in his trailer for two hours, but these people are humans; not gods. And that makes what they do all the more impressive. Still, you want to lecture them on what’s right and wrong, and you don’t even have a personal assistant.

“It’s true; you’re gay!”

 Where in the world do you get this idea you know anything? I know where Hollywood people get their experience. They have tons of different marriages, oodles of out of wedlock children, and more drug problems than all of South America. That’s real world experience that informs them better than the silly, unimportant lives you people have. And, with all these life problems plus fancy parties plus check ups with their plastic surgeons, you know they have little time to spend learning about world issues, so they spend that time well. How many political fundraisers have you been invited to? Yet you think you know anything about war or social issues better than George Clooney? Do you know how ignorant you sound when you say that?

 Still, with all this disdain you shovel upon them, they do all they can to educate you. But what do you do? You spit at it! Did you even go to see Brokeback Mountain? Ang Lee slaved on that movie to make you a better person, but you didn’t want to watch it. Know why? Because deep down you know you’re gay. It’s true; you’re gay! Yes, you’ll go see Ang Lee’s The Hulk because you aren’t afraid that you will become large and green if angered, but you’re just too afraid of the gay cowboy inside you to see a story about real love. And, if you won’t even admit to you being afraid of your gayness, how can we trust anything else you say?

 Hollywood actors are rich, live pampered lifestyles, and are sheltered from consequences; this gives them a view of society that you don’t have. Up on their pedestals, they have a view of the world you could never even imagine. And, when they read something on a paper, and then they go on TV and say stuff about it to make things happen. They’re important; that’s why they don’t like regular people making eye-contact with them. What do you do when you hear about an issue? Nothing… or you blog about it which is next to nothing. So what is Hollywood out of touch with? You and your boring life? These people don’t only know the issues, they’ve acted in movies and TV specials about these issues. You’ve acted in nothing; you’re just ignorant. I mean, what level scientologist are you? Do you even know about the threat of Xenu? I bet your precious “Jesus” didn’t tell you about that one.

 So stop being a fool and worship and offer sacrifices to those in Hollywood who deign us worthy of their opinions. And, if you want to add to the debate, you show me where your Walk-of-Fame star is. Oh, you don’t have one? Then you shut up!
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on IMAO.us and is a frequent contributor to IMAOPodcast.com. He is also the author of such books as “I, For One, Welcome Our Hollywood Overlords” and “How to Train Your Personal Assistant (Hardcover Edition So You Can Whap Your Personal Assistant with This If He Made You Throw a Fit)”.

It’s actually pretty hard out there for a pimp

After listening to the Oscar ceremony, I have come to the conclusion that it’s actually pretty hard out there for a pimp:

  • Dental insurance won’t cover your grill.
  • Pimpmobiles make lousy gas mileage.
  • Kobe Bryant’s being a good boy now.
  • Hos want to expand into credit and Paypal, but that doesn’t make for an impressive pimproll.
  • So much time wasted despamming your pimpblog.
  • The new hundreds, fifties, twenties, and tens also contain secret anti-pimp measures. How can you do your pimping with just fives and ones?
  • Ornamental canes seen as weapons, leading to many arrests.
  • Way too many BA in Pimpology degrees out there. Now you need a Masters or PhD to get the job.
  • Escorts actually just want to escort.
  • Translating Snoop Dogg Speak is tough. What does Qizzle mean, anyway?
  • Johnny Law is cracking down on underage hookers, but Gary Glitter just keeps offering more money.
  • People assume pimpslaps and bitchslaps are the same thing. There’s a difference, man!
  • Lack of birth control use results in too many cribs in your crib.
  • Dancer Industry infringing on Ho Industry.
  • Pimp Lobby already weakened by Clinton’s departure now dealing with Kennedy erectile dysfunction issues.
  • Competition from illegal Mexican pimps.
  • Rap industry hurt by illegal downloads, cutting back from bling-bling to just bling to make ends meet.
  • “Friends and Family” wireless plan doesn’t extend to “Bitches and Hos.”
  • iTunes refuses to carry pimpcasts.
  • PETA protests against fur hats and hubcaps.

So if you’re a pimp, my heart goes out to you. And thank goodness the actors and actresses of the world have come together to salute your tireless service.


I didn’t stay up to watch it (SarahK did; one of the few nights when went to bed at different times) but Crash won best picture. It was the only movie nominated for Best Picture that I saw, but it was actually an entertaining film – not some boring and depressing flick that all the critics think is so great. I recommend everyone rent it (or put it on your Netflix queue if you’re like me). Some people thought it was schlock, but Sarah and I both really liked it. As soon as we finished, we said, “Now that film deserves to win some Academy Awards.” Didn’t expect Best Picture, but even the stopped clocks at Hollywood can getting something right every so often.

What Happens Outside, Stays Outside

We had Rowdi out with us while working on the yard. I had gone inside for a second, and when I came out, Minerva snuck out the door. Rowdi bounded after Minerva, jerking the leash from Sarah’s hand and chased Minerva until that cat climbed 12 feet straight up a tree trunk. I held Rowdi down, but she wouldn’t calm, and Minerva had her claws out until she was brought back inside.
So, later that day, Rowdi is back to her the kitchen, and Minerva walks over into it with no fear whatsoever. They both then ignored each other as usual.
The dog training stuff all says that once the dog can do obedience perfectly indoors, it’s a different game as soon as you go outside. From the looks of it, Minerva had no idea it was Rowdi that terrorized her, and Rowdi had no idea it was Minerva that she had such a great time chasing.
Anyway, after having her two weeks, Rowdi has a nearly perfect sit on command (even outside with other people around; she is quite impressive to our other neighbors with dogs) and walks slightly behind us with a loose leash, so we’ll cut her a little slack for just being a dog every so often.
For now.