American Idol cut to 12 (DVR-delayed liveblog)

I wanna hear about your suntan. And your spinach salad.
Ryan felt the need to tell us that there’s drama and anything can happen.
Say, those dozen empty seats that the contestants are hoping for look incredibly uncomfy.
EEEE! Bo Bice is out to perform! We didn’t even know his album was out until a couple of weeks ago. We need to get that. Is it any good? I’m sure it is, it’s Bo. He had a baby, and from the looks of that left hand, he got hitched! Hooray! I’m surprised, I’m actually not liking this song, it’s too pop for Bo. He’s a rocker! He’s still great, works the stage… Ok, lemme ask, what kind of loser sees someone’s house on TV and then decides to track him down and camp out for pictures and such? They had to move. That sucks. Of course, I’m sure they got a nicer, bigger house, so that’s good. But what jerks those people were to hunt him down. Shame shame shame.

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Fun Trivia

Now that Dubai is giving up stakes in U.S. Ports, what can we expect from the UAE in response?

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It’s the IMAO Podcast – Yeehaw!

The latest IMAO Podcast, Friends Don’t Let Friends Shoot Friends in the Face, is up! In this episode, there is lots of funny, lots of music, and new bumper music that scares me just a little bit. I heart xylophones!
In this podcast:

The IMAO gang go on a team-building quail-hunting trip!
American Monkey returns with Olympic Winter sports monkey would like to see!
SarahK interviews Kellie Pickler!
Harvey has Fun Facts About Massachusetts!
In World of Knowledge, Frank J. tells you everything you need to know about ports!
and much more funny

So you go download it now, and comment on it here! Yay!


The second-worst thing about a movie of the television series “Dallas” (the worst thing being that they’re making one to begin with) is that it will not actually be filmed in Dallas.
So, to convince the producers of “Dallas” to do it in Dallas:

City officials say there’s no substitute for the original when it comes to producing a movie version of the long-running “Dallas” television show.
The Dallas Film Commission on Wednesday launched the “Shoot JR in Dallas” campaign in hopes of luring the movie’s producers to North Texas.

That’s right. Shoot JR in Dallas. Cute, huh?
So if Oliver Stone had wanted to film in Toronto fifteen years ago, would Dallas have held a “Shoot JFK in Dallas” campaign?
(By the way, Debbie Does Dallas was filmed at SUNY Stony Book, Long Island and not Dallas.)

The Carnival of Comedy is now UP!!!

Go right now to EitherOrr for a fresh episode of the Carnival of Comedy.
Also If you want to host it, let me know.

Frank Discussions

Jonah Goldberg just linked to my old interview with John Derbyshire. I thought that went so well (in larger part thanks to Derbyshire), but I haven’t done another in two years. Who do you think I should interview next (who might actually give me the time of day)?
UPDATE: Maybe I can try to get an interview with Andrew Sullivan in the interest of fairness.

Top Ten Threats from Iran

Iran has threatened us with “harm and pain”. What other threats have they made against us?
10. From now on always refer to us as the “United States of Dinguses.”
9. They’ll compare us to monkeys and curse our mustaches.
8. Secretly replace our regular coffee with Folgers Crystals… and we’ll never know the better!
7. Along with financing terrorists they’ll also finance George Lucas to further butcher the original Star Wars trilogy.
6. Hit us each with a water balloon when we least expect it.
5. Something about a nuclear explosion.
4. They’ll order us pizzas we never wanted.
3. After making an excursion to Skull Island, they’ll release King Kong upon New York… or maybe Seattle since he’s never been there.
2. They claim it will take days to get all the toilet paper out of our trees when they’re done with us.
And the number one threat from Iran…

Continue reading ‘Top Ten Threats from Iran’ »

No Wonder the Republicans Are Having Problems

John Hawkins has lists of favorite blog of different Congressmen. Notice which blog is missing from all the lists?
If only everyone read IMAO, I’m sure we’d have world peace in no time.

Bird Flu Found in Weasel-Like Mammal


The gift that keeps on giving

You know, most men stick to flowers and chocolate. Or a simple card.

What President Has Done More for the Hos?

President Clinton’s childhood home was voted by Congress to be designated a national landmark. The conversation that immediately followed (I assume):
“So does the mean the hos have to move out?”
“No, man, that means the hos have to stay.”


Later today!
The finishing touches are being added as I type by the lovely and talented SarahK (I can’t believe Glenn called his wife “lovely and talented”; he stole that from me! Which reminds me: if you missed the official Bush Administration response to my Frank Advice on Port Security, then you missed a lot. Check it out.)
Be honorable, ronin.

It’s a Fishie!

Congratulations to Phin and Mrs. Phin on their new baby!

IMAO Podcast #22 03-09-06

  1. Introduction
  2. Spacemonkey in New York
  3. Harvey: Fun Facts About Massachusetts Part 1
  4. Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Story: PeTA
  5. Harvey: Fun Facts About Massachusetts Part 2
  6. World of Knowledge with Frank J: Ports
  7. American Monkey with Spacemonkey: New Olympic Sports
  8. Laurence Simon: Art
  9. IMAO goes quail hunting
  10. Harvey: Cheney’s press conference
  11. Sarah K on American Idol: The Kelly Pickler Interview
  12. FrankJ: Focus on Family
  13. Conclusion

Looks Like We Lost the War on Terror

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
First, the Mainstream Media caves in by being too cowardly to print the Muhammed cartoons.
Could the fast food industry be next?
I suppose having Whoppers made out of camel meat would be an improvement, though…