Carnival Of Comedy is UP at Ben’s Rants and Raves.

If you go to Ben’s Rants and Raves right now, right this very minute, you’ll see Carnival of Comedy #46 It’s a barebones edition. Because all the meat was peeled away so we could grill it up for that “up yours PETA” holiday, that was yesterday.


  1. No one ever comments on spacemonkey’s “Carnival is up” posts, not even to post the token “First!” comment certain people are wont to do. ‘Tis a shame.
    Perhaps we should use these abandoned threads to launch double secret plans?

  2. Triple secret, that’s like, one better than double secret! Thus begins the Triple Secret Abandoned Carnival Thread Society.
    Nah, that sucks. A better name is needed. It is difficult to launch diabolical plots unless you have a cool name to back it up; no one takes you seriously.

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