Carnival Of Comedy Reminder

Tomorrow March 2nd – Carnival of Comedy #44 will be hosted by Chris at Platypus Society.
As his blog title suggests, Chris has dedicated his life to exploring the rich and hertofore unknown lives and vibrant culture of the platypii, a race of sentient egg laying mammals, native to North America, kept down by the Man.
Future Carnival Schedule:
March 9th- #45 – Bob at Either Orr
March 16th – #46 – Ben at Ben’s Rants
March 23rd – #47 – Steve The Pirate at his self titled blog
Want to host? Email me at with “Host Carnival Of Comedy” as the subject.
Want to enter? Go here, or here or we’ll have to make you go live with the platypii.


  1. Frank, I love your site!
    I must tell you, though, that the plural of platypus is platypodes. The suffix -pus, meaning “foot”, comes from Greek, not Latin.
    Pedantically yours,
    Mary in LA

  2. pus means “foot” in Greek. (Remember Oedipus? His name means “swollen foot”, because as a baby he was left out on a hillside to die with his feet staked together, before his kindly foster parents found him.) Pus means, well, pus, the icky stuff draining from an infected wound, in Latin.
    And yes, “platypuses” is fine, too. 🙂
    Pedantically yours,
    Mary in LA

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