This is just a reminder that today is Eat A Tasty Animal For PETA Day. (EATAPETA Day)
Feel free to register the animals you’ve eaten at the cheesy database site I’ve set upFor instance: normally, I drink my breakfast (coffee and cinnamon), but I added two beef jerky strips to my first meal of the day.
And you’re more than welcome to let your cats participate…

As diners, not dinner.


  1. In case you weren’t aware, March 20th is the “National Meat Out.” This is an event sponsored by several animal rights orgs. It is celebrated by giving up meat for a day. I am personally celebrating this happy occasion by hosting a “Carnivore’s Ball” at my home. We will be serving nothing but meat on a huge platter. No individual plates, no utensils (other than a Rambo-styled knife), and no side dishes (unless bacon is considered a side dish). Condiments and napkins are allowed.
    You can check out the Meat Out page at They have some great e-cards you can subvert for your own carnivorous purposes. I used one of them as the invitation to my Carnivore’s Ball.

  2. hmmm, milk and yogurt are food products produced from excretians (for lack of a better word) from cows.
    We’ll need an opinion from the ref-Lawrence Simon, what say you, is milk and yogurt acceptable or should cow products only include parts of the body?

  3. I have a philosophy that the cuter something is… the better it must taste. Think about it. Chicken is good, but Cornish game hen is better. Cow=good but “cute little calf”=better. Pig is tasty, but suckling pig is DEE-lishus! Perhaps the tastiest morsels on the planet are Koala Bear, baby Harp Seal or Kitten.

  4. I feel ashamed…so far I’ve only eaten a couple bacon strips on my McGriddle and a buttload of yogurt and fruit parfaits (boy that sounds nasty)… Anyway, considering the occasion, I might suggest to my hubby that we all go out for a big fat steak at Longhorns tonight. If not, a couple of Whoppers might do the job.

  5. Thanks for the head’s up! I just went out to the lunch truck and had a bacon double western burger for lunch. The cat had beef&lamb dinner for breakfast, with a side of chicken treats. Now I think I’ll get a “Meat Lover’s” pizza for dinner and give “Jabroni” (my cat) another tin of chicken and lamb dinner tonight. Mmmmm!
    Merch 20th, I’ll remember to have sasage and bacon for breakfast and a large, rare (bloody is the only way to have it) steak…that is, unless I visit my buddies on the res and gorge on buffalo steaks!

  6. Does PETA count eggs as chickens? I mean they haven’t hatched yet and so are considered unborn???
    Either way I’ve had pork sausage, deer jerky, a cheeseburger, and if the eggs don’t count I’ll eat chicken for dinner.

  7. I’m on a see-food diet. I see it, I eat it, and right now I see Ribs, steaks, chicken, and oh yeah pork.
    By the by, is “spam” actually meat? I thought it was like scrapple- one of the mysteries of life. (no offense intended- just a question in the interest of knowledge)

  8. Well, for lunch I had a sandwich made of leftover smoked Ted Kennedy–oops, I mean Boston Butt–so I had a sector of Pig.
    This evening, the wife and kids decided on Chinese, so I had to have the Happy Family–sectors of Cow, more Pig, Chicken, and Shrimp–I MULTI-TASKED!!!

  9. Spam is produced from the meat of the Spamadillo, which we raise on ranches here in Lampasas, Texas. Spamadillos are useful – The skin is used to produce Naugahide (pardon the spelling) and the leg bones are used for Pee Wee League bats.

  10. old dawg,
    Thanks for the info. I makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that I personally have never caused the death of any spamadillos. My dad on the other hand should have had a herd…or gaggle… a pack… a murder or maybe a clutch. What do spamadillos run in exactly?

  11. On the 15th, I cooked a chicken stuffed with a crouton & sausage stuffing & covered in several bacon strips to marinate the bird as it cooked in the oven @ 375 degrees for three hours. I’m certain that I covered a wide range of animals that were ALL delicious, but just to be safe, I made beef tacos for lunch.

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