Frank Discussions

Jonah Goldberg just linked to my old interview with John Derbyshire. I thought that went so well (in larger part thanks to Derbyshire), but I haven’t done another in two years. Who do you think I should interview next (who might actually give me the time of day)?
UPDATE: Maybe I can try to get an interview with Andrew Sullivan in the interest of fairness.


  1. Or Jonah Goldberg. Ask him why he still has the job you wanted.
    Or Glenn Reynolds, I think he’s selling a book or something. Demand to know why doesn’t mention you by name when he mentions puppy blending on his many book related interviews

  2. You might want too delete the last few comments on that Derbyshire interview archive page. It looks like you have some comment spam…
    You should interview Sullivan, Ask him something sure to enrage him, like does his emphatic support for barebacking increase dangerous risk-taking among homosexuals.

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