Informal Impeachment Poll

There is more talk of impeaching Bush lately. I’d like everyone to say whether they are for the impeachment of George W. Bush in the comments, but please first read the pros and cons on the subject:
* President Bush is still unapologetically President Bush. :: looks to the sky and shakes fist :: Buuuuuuush!
* The impeachment process would slow down Congress from passing new spending bills.
* I’m kinda bored, and it’s something to do.
* Everyone confuses impeachment with being thrown out of office, and what’s the point of impeachment if no one is going to understand it?
* We already did one last presidency, and we don’t want America to look like a one-trick pony.
* The Kossaks will constantly be peeing their pants in glee, and I don’t want to smell that.
So, what do you think?


  1. I say let the impeachment go, it will be entertaining to see the Dummocrates wailing and nashing their collective teeth, and then pull the rug out from under them when the impeachment fails!!

  2. FIRST I would be in favor of impeachment (assuming conviction) for one reason only. Watching the Moonbat heads explode the FIRST time they hear the phrase “President Dick Cheney”

  3. And Brian the (not so) Adequate proves the first point in the Cons column.
    I’m agin impeachment because I don’t think I could handle the media going absolutely batshit as they disinform me on the process.

  4. impeach bush.
    cheney moves to president.
    rice moves to vice-president and can run for prez from the vp office.
    moonbats and demmorroids all move to canada or have strokes.
    just a thought.

  5. I like that order of things, jw. But does anyone else get the feeling that the moonbats are all talk and no action? They’ve been ‘threatening’ to leave for years now. When are they going to follow through?

  6. If I were a betting man(and based on the performance of my NCAA bracket this weekend thank GOD I’m not) I’d say the dems, if they get control of Congress somehow, would not only impeach Bush, but would go for a daily double and impeach Cheney no sooner as he was sworn in. Because let’s face it: if they have nightmares about Bush being President, they’ll have coronaries with a President Cheney..pardon the pun.

  7. Bombtruck:
    As soon as the Kos Kidz get done impeaching Bush and Cheney, they’ll start going after Liberman, ’cause he’s almost a Rethuglican himself, y’know.
    Then they get Hillary, ’cause she voted for the war before she voted against it.
    Next is Josh Marshall, ’cause having two large blog voices confuses the message, doesn’t it?
    By the time they come to put me in the re-education camps, I’ll be an old(er) man.

  8. // don’t think I could handle the media going absolutely batshit as they disinform me on the process. //
    I gotta go with Veeshir on this one. I don’t have cable so I can’t get constant “FoxNews” just our local station and as I live in BLUE state, even our local Fox is slightly tainted left. Therefore all that would been seen would be the constant blathering of F-d up news and considering the heartburn I get from the little local channels I get exposed to, I wouldn’t mentally survive the asinine reporting an impeachment would bring.
    Just my take.

  9. Beryl, if it ever gets to that point where they have control, I HIGHLY encourage them to try a double-impeachment, because there’d be nothing better than to watch them commit political suicide for 2008.

  10. Impeachment…ain’t that when a president gets sent to Georgia for a summer to live in a chicken coop while meditating ceaselessy on his policy blunders? Or am I getting it confused with a documentary I once saw of Jimmy Carter’s presidency? Alas, we ditto heads can neither read the constitution nor keep our history straight. In sum, I’d have to say that I voted for impeachment before I voted against it.

  11. Imagine the media mayhem that would ensue w/ Cheney as president. I was watching the news yesterday & listened to press bitch about him “taking a swipe” at the media for their incomplete coverage of Iraq by focusing on little else but car bombs and American casualties. Imagine if he said something unflattering about geraldo…
    “Dick Cheney Takes Racist Swipe at Latino Journalist” …then all the leftards would call for his immediate resignation or impeachment.

  12. No impeachment. Keep him in and do away with that crappy amendment that limits Presendential Terms. If Congress won’t agree to them, then why should the leader of the Free World?
    Plus, we saw FDR have 4 years, lets watch the moonbats heads explode at 8 more years of Bush!
    Though, the next time he makes a dumb, dumb move, members of the rank and file of his own party, through a new amendment, will be able to beat him with reeds.
    The effect will be two fold. The Republicans will see a rise in membership and voting, and the pouting, errant Kossack posts that it’s not fair we get to cane Bush for making moves no Conservative would ever!
    I’m gonna go grab my bamboo cane in anticipation.

  13. Can’t we just impeach Jimmeh Carter instead? I’m sure he has certified the Belarusian elections as free and fair. I believe he is the reason so many people are now allergic to peanuts.

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