Instapundit’s Exciting Weekend

(A Filthy Lie)
Saw this at Reynolds’ site:

my younger brother worked as an assistant there, boiling down corpses in turpentine with his grad-student girlfriend. Now that’s an exciting weekend…

Giving his hobo-murdering habits, this one isn’t TOO surprising, but it does make me wonder what ELSE this guy does for fun.
Unfortunately I found out. Turn’s out he’s going to be spending THIS weekend at a ski resort in Vail, Colorado, indulging in one of his favorite recreational sports:

Now that’s an exciting weekend…


  1. Are those nicotine patches on the bottom of his board? Now THAT was a wild party! Makes me feel like I led a sheltered life. The wildest thing I ever did was give a house an enema.

  2. Wow, I thought it might’ve been an April fools joke. Don’t I feel like an ass. Everyone here knows if Frank had known about the passing of Mr Reynolds’ grandmother, he wouldn’t have made this post.
    Speaking as a man who’s lived with the taste of his own foot, and as much fun as I’ve had picking on Frank, you know as well as I he meant no harm.
    From the blender:
    “…it was a long life, well-lived, but I’m still sorry she’s gone.”
    Best wishes,
    the Sailor

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