McCain Is Not Funny

I meant to post this earlier, but John Hawkins had his conservative case against McCain.
Me, the issue is much simpler: I just can’t imagine a series on In My Worlds™ starring him.
Also, like spacemonkey, I’ve never forgiven McCain for killing McAbel.
OT, Hawkins has his review of V for Vendetta up, a film I was a bit curious about.


  1. I quite liked the movie. And I would not compare V to Osama Bin Laden or other fascist terrorists. His targets were goverment or the goverment (mostly) run media.. He sounds more like a Libertarian or possibley a Anarchsit (I heared the comic potrayed him with more anarchist goals). If you see it and want it to be the next bit of left wing propaganda masked as a action film to trick all the Americans into impeaching McChimpler, Then your going to hate it. But I just went to see it as it was the new Decent looking action movie on the block and I got a great political for free.

  2. I don’t know anything about the movie, but as for McCain, my definition for “Maverick” is: A senator who couldn’t care less why his constituients voted for him or what they think!

  3. Jonag,
    I’m with you. As an Arizonan, and a Repulican, my shame is great at him even still being in office. He gets elected Prez and we’re bound for Sepuku.
    You can be my second and chop of my melon to make sure I’m dead and my shame is wiped away.

  4. I loved V, saw it twice already.
    I think Hawkins is reading too much into it. It’s a story about totalitarian governments and human rights — not about conservative vs. liberal ideas. Heck, I’m not even sure the word ‘conservative’ is uttered one single time in the film. It’s incidental to the plot, not central to it.
    Sparse action? Let’s see, in the first five minutes there’s a hanging, a massive ass kicking, followed up by insane explosions. Somebody dies about every 10 minutes.
    Go see it, it’s worth it.

  5. Also in AZ…greatly dislike McCain. My negative opinion of him is not based on the following, but….
    My father-in-law was an intelligence officer for both the Army & the Air Force in the late 80’s & early 90’s. His job was to research & find out about POW’s & MIA’s from US conflicts in Asia. He claims he had access to many classified documents about McCain. Though he’s not allowed to share the info he saw , as the docs are still classified, he rabidly asserts that McCain is not the “hero” he’s made out to be….I’d share more, but that’s all I know.

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