Melvin, tell me something nice.

When I read news of child-molesting Internet porn live streaming video busts by law enforcement, I just want to vomit at the depths to which humanity can sink. My faith in the power of technology to extend man’s reach beyond his grasp is slammed to the ground and stomped on.

U.S. and Canadian authorities said on Wednesday they had cracked an international child pornography network that in some cases transmitted molestations live over the Internet.
“These are the worst imaginable forms of child pornography,” said U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, adding that one case involved the abuse of a toddler less than 18 month old.
Twenty-seven people from nine U.S. states and Canada, Australia and Britain, are charged with possession, receipt, distribution and manufacture of child pornography in connection with the case, authorities said.
Twenty-six of the suspects have been arrested and one is still at large.
“This international undercover investigation revealed an insidious network that engaged in worldwide trafficking in child pornography, including live molestations of children transmitted over the Internet,” Gonzales said.

The Mainstream Media (MSM) wants us to believe that everything about the Internet is evil, bad, awful, perverted, and disgusting. It’s just a gigantic high-speed digital sewer rushing filth from pervert to pervert along with the occasional gigabyte of music stolen from poor and starving musicians (that are signed with the record label which is owned by a subsidiary of the same mega-corporation which owns that newspaper or magazine decrying all this shameful activity).
Then, despite all this horror and ugliness, I realize that the Internet can be a good thing when you think about it. After all, the fact that it’s so easy to set up these disgusting and insane streaming filth websites means that it’s also as easy to track them, arrange a warrant to grab server logs, and round these vile creatures up for arrest and incarceration. In the past, these scum would be doing the stuff themselves in clubs or tape-swap meets or whatever. Now, with technology, they think they’re safe, but they’re really making it easier to bust their hideous asses.
Still, with this all in mind, I need a little reminding that the Internet has some decent sites out there. Just like when Helen Hunt told Jack Nicholson “Tell me something nice” at the restaurant, I need to tell myself something nice about the Internet right than and there, to just peg a reminder that it isn’t all noise and muck. Things that archive man’s achievements and history and knowledge and such. Smithsonian Institution types of sites, places that are inherently and completely yuck-free.
What sites do you think of as bastions of humanity’s greatness or attics of the best of what our species has manages to produce despite the ease and temptation to descend into futile, disgusting perversion for profit and sin?


  1. Wow! What a strange twist of fate. I just scored two HUGE successes in my search for stories of kindness and good deeds to publish. This week’s post is here.
    Next week’s post is going to be outstanding. I can’t wait! Wednesdays are my new favorite day.
    For the most part, the world is a good place. Perhaps the horrible things that happen are just an opportunity for us to practice healing on those who have been harmed.

  2. Smithsonian, yuck free!!!???They are a big part of the problem.Thier foundational “doctrine” is evolution.Evolved pond scum is all we are,survival of the fittest,murder,rape pillage are how people can show thier superiority, you know, like how far they are evolved beyond those who believe in absolute morals/laws given by an absolute God.I once asked a professer [He does not believe in absolutes]if he was absolutly sure about that.He got all red faced and sputtered.I never did get an answer. Shalom havarim!

  3. Stories like these remind me of why we need public executions, guns and vigilante justice. Try them for the crime and upon being found guilty put these sick bastages down.
    No mamby pamby tree huggin’ sympathy for these degenerates. Just my opinion.

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