New Offensive Religious Cartoon Challenge!

With the controversy over the South Park Scientology episode (said episode can be found here and actually isn’t that vulgar for a South Park), wouldn’t it be a lot more fun to challenge cartoonists to depict the evil alien warlord Xenu than boring old Mohammed (here’s a still of the South Park depiction)? While that most likely won’t get you targeted for a beheading, it’s not unlikely you’ll get sued.
I’ll have my own drawing up later this week.
BTW, I though it was hilarious how at the end the South Park episode, Tom Cruise yells, “I’ll sue you in England!” and then that’s what he did in real life (they can’t show the episode there).


  1. I love this quote by Matt Stone:
    “This is 100 per cent having to do with his faith in Scientology…He has no problem — and he’s cashed plenty of checks — with our show making fun of Christians,” Stone said on Monday.

  2. Wouldn’t the contest have to be for drawings of L. Ron Hubbard, or maybe Thetans, to be the same?
    Drawings of Xenu would be more of a Satan-drawing contest for Scientologists.
    Oh wait, drawings of Muhommad, drawings of Satan – I see the similarity now.

  3. Here’s another great comment by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (apparently on their website, but I picked it up at
    “So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!”

  4. OMG!!! XENU is Cthulhu!!! Did L Ron have a thing for Lovecraft, I wonder?
    Trey and Matt say such funny things…and they’re such a cute couple, you could really see the charge between them in Base-ketball.

  5. I’m sure you’ve all heard about Isaac Hayes supposedly quitting over the episode. Of course, the episode aired in November, so it’s strange that he would be insulted now. Also, based on what I’ve read on the story, the more it seems that someone quit “for” him, if you know what I mean.

  6. Personally I don’t care what Scientologists believe. I blame my Religion in America class that I recently took, haha. I was so judgmental of a lot of religions before that class. I still think Isaac Hayes kicks ass as chef! That being said, I have a wacom tablet, photoshop, and some imagination so i’ll see what I can have up in a few days on my site 🙂
    I gotta agree with Master Shake though. Wouldn’t drawing Xenu be kind of non offensive?

  7. My favorite part was the sign: Scientologists actually believe this.
    You really have to scratch your head and wonder about people who blame their problems on brainwashed souls of aliens blown up around volcanos millions of years ago by some dude named Xenu. I mean, this story wouldn’t even rank as high as a bad Star Trek episode. How did it become a religion???

  8. Almost any real religon I would almost begin to understand, but Scientology? A “religon” that L. Ron Hubbard created as a bet with another author? Is all of Hollywood on crack? This is enough to want to make this ronin commit sepuku.

  9. Thanks for wasting some 6 hours of my time researching Scientology.
    Fascinating, but I’m pretty tired at work today. I feel for those people who try to break free and find out their messed up, addicted brain can’t handle any other reality. Try and read the stories of survivors. Not to mention abused prisoners.
    Hmmm. . . wonder if we could sign up Iran for some free pamphlets?

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