New Products!

Add a couple more shirts and products (some logo mugs and black background logo stuff) to the IMAO store (and fixed the typo on RWD’s shirt; SarahK saw it right away and I thought I had fixed it…). Also, all the IMAO logos (and the ronin kanji) have been redone with a darker color red so it’s not so bright and happy. Even more stuff should be added over the weekend (hopefully including the return of Chomps). Keep putting suggestions in the comments. will still sell all the premium IMAO shirts, but we’ll try out more specialized idea in our store (plus mugs and bumper stickers and whatever else you want). Also, I’ll be doing a drive soon for people to sign up for the IMAO Newsletter through our CafePress store, but, if you sign up now, you could receive the special “Test” newsletter!
IMAO: Our number one goal is money (our second is humor).


  1. I just found you this afternoon. By the time I had read two entries to my husband, we had you bookmarked on BOTH computers! Thanks for fixing the alley/ally typo. I think you have two new devoted readers.

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