Secret Weapon for the War on Terror

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
According to this story, a slain soldier’s widow successfully sued a guy who was giving money to Al Qaeda, which means that – thanks to one of the few lawyers not shot by Dick Cheney – the War on Terror is $102 million dollars closer to being over.
It occurs to me there’s another underutilized American resource that could be put to work fighting Islamofascism – Pakistani cab drivers!
Picture this:

TERRORIST: Take me to government building where I can murder innocent people! ULULULULULULU!
PCD: I cannot please to be speaking your English! I get you hotel? Airport? Cocaine? Hookers? Durka! Durka!
TERRORIST: Jihad! Jihad!
PCD: Look Mohammed, I only talk that way to screw with the Yuppies. I don’t actually speak your wacky Arab monkey-jabber durka-durka crap! Either take the broads & coke or get the hell out of my cab!
TERRORIST: Fine! I’ll get someone else to take me! [gets out, slams door]
PCD: The only place you’re going is between the treads of my Goodyear All-Season radials, you terrorist bastard! [sound of squealing tires]

God bless our patriotic geographically-imported transportation engineers.


  1. I offer to you all to raise your case in the most Anti American forum that I ever saw in the net: Pravda English Main Forum. Lot of Bolsheviks, Muslim (even from the US)and other nuts get ther daily to tell lies on the US and other free democratic allies.
    It’s a place to meet and know your enemies too. So you won’t be surprised time and again.
    See here in the one of the most Anti American forum on the net:
    God Bless America !!!
    See you

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