What, me worry?

The RNC named a new head today, Alfred E. Neuman. His first order of business was to endorse formation of a “non-partisan” committee to bring a “fresh perspective” on U.S. policy in Iraq. Let me tell you, I am 100% behind this decision. Remember how great that “non-partisan” 911 panel turned out? Or how great the appointment of an inpendent prosecutor to investigate the Valerie Plame matter (despite the fact it was obvious no crime had been committed) turned out? Or how great the Spineless 7 defection worked out for judicial confirmations (heard about any of those recently?). I’m sure the “non-partisan” Democrats on the panel won’t take the opportunity to grandstand all summer long on national television about President Bush’s job performance in Iraq. Every time I see Leon Panetta on the talk circuit, I always think to myself–“Wow, what a great non-partisan leftist. His sense of perspective and fairness inspires me.” And who better to help form foreign policy than former career politicians who have not been in the security loop for years. I’m sure this won’t just become one big 2006 election ad for the DNC, and I’m sure James Baker and Alan Simpson will fight hard to support the President (between cat naps and adult diaper changes anyway). Wonderful plan. Just wonderful. I think Mr. Neuman’s second order of business should be to freshen up our party’s slogan. Maybe instead of G.O.P., we could change it to S.O.S. for Stuck on Stupid.


  1. Screw that! Alfred E. Neuman for president! We need a CIC who can say “What, me worry?” while casually pressing The Button and turning Iran into an Easy Bake Oven. I just wish Don Martin were still with us.

  2. I certainly hope that people are not believing that Brokeback Mountain is an accurate depiction of life in Wyoming. Ang Lee totally missed the obvious Menage a’ trois angle that would have been inevitable with a whole herd of sheep right there. No wonder he couldn’t pull out the “best picture” award.

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