
and you thought frank’s nip slip photo was disturbing — check out everybody’s favorite village idiot, Cindy Sheehan, getting busted in NYC today . . .

via lotr-c
“Richard Grenell, the spokesman for the U.S. Mission, said in response to Sheehan’s arrest: “We invited her in to discuss her concerns with a U.S. Mission employee. She chose not to come in but to lay down in front of the building and block the entrance. It was clearly designed to be a media stunt, not aimed at rational discussion,” Grenell said.”


  1. “Richard Grenell, the spokesman for the U.S. Mission, said in response to Sheehan’s arrest: “We invited her in to discuss her concerns with a U.S. Mission employee. She chose not to come in but to lay down in front of the building and block the entrance. It was clearly designed to be a media stunt, not aimed at rational discussion,” Grenell said.”

  2. Mother Moonbat / rational? Those words together are about as skewed as George Loony and patriotic. If Cindy were not such a source of entertainment, I’d suggest a long strech in a white jacket and a padded cell.

  3. While we’re at it, I WAS THERE, TOO! Honest! They tried to FORCE her to talk, but she proved to be resilient, so the cops were called in & shot her with horse tranqs, tazer guns, tear gas, and they threatened to bathe her as well, but she resisted all of it.
    It’s not like her arrest was really all that neccessary. If you have trash strewn out in front of your door, all you have to do is kick it out of the way.

  4. I liked this paragraph: “The women were trying to deliver a petition to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations with more than 60,000 signatures urging the “withdrawal of all troops and all foreign fighters from Iraq.” When they arrived at the mission, they found the doors locked.”
    It seems to me that if she can get all the ‘foreign fighters’ out of Iraq, she may be onto somthing. I’m sure a UN resolution will be enough to get the bad guys to leave.
    Two words: Whack. Job.

  5. No that’s not what that photo is, I was there. The garbage man just forgot
    to pick up the garbage at that spot so the cops were simply going to put
    the garbage (Cindy Sheehan) into the dumpster with the rest of the garbage.

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