Iranian Missile Command

A lot of people are getting concerned about the daily announcements of nuclear weapons research, guided missiles, radar-avoiding missiles, flying invisible boats, and super-cavitating torpedoes coming out of the Islamic Republic of Iran these days. Thank goodness that we’ve got the largest and best-equipped military in all the world, right?
Well, maybe not. Iran is letting the Zionist-controlled world know that they won’t be as easy of a pushover as Saddam was in 2003:

“The missile command of the Guards’ naval force … via positioning various types of surface-to-sea missiles, is able, while defending the coastlines and islands, to confront any extra-territorial invasion,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Safavi as saying.

This begs the question: What does the Iranian Missile Command look like, anyway?

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Review: Newest Google Map is Lacking in Detail, Features

In my opinion the newest google map deal is just useless, it doesn’t even go down to street level nor does it give driving directions. There is no way to find businesses nearby,just maps. That’s all there is, maps.
And something’s wrong with the map color scheme too, everything appears all rainbowy.
See for yourself.
Seems to me like, I don’t know, RED would be predominant. Good thing it’s free is all I have to say.

Shimon sings the Jew Blues

Labor Kadima Prime Minister Foreign Minister Deputy Prime Minister MK Shimon Peres appears to be throwing a Karaoke party in his office in this AP photo:

So what song is he singing?