A Message To Instapundit

(A Filthy Lie)
When Glenn received a copy of “King Dork” in the mail, his secretary wondered if someone was maybe trying to tell him something.
Which leads me to wonder what I should send to drop him a hint. A sort of subtle intervention, as it were.
For example…

This book says “it’s time for you to get some help for your liquified canine addiction“:

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This book says “your last human sacrifice managed to leave a trail of clues, although you would’ve gotten away with it if it handn’t been for those meddling kids.”

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This book says, “if you’re going to practice a religion, then practice it religiously.”

This giant flag featuring every protester’s favorite dead 3-letter-name commie says “Mao is SOOOOOO 20th century. Get hip. Get trendy. Get sex from slutty hippy chicks. Get Che.”

This book says “if you’re going to punch Frank J., for Heaven’s sake, do it right.”

This CD says “how you dance is none of our business, but please do it in the privacy of your own home”.

This 2006 Calendar says “I won’t judge you, even though I disagree with your ‘choice of lifestyle‘”

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And finally, this T-shirt says “wear one of these, and people will stop calling you King Dork.”

Any messages YOU’D like to send to Instapundit?

Today’s Message…

I’d like to mention a few important milestones:
The smaller milestone: Monday will be my birthday!! Mark that on your calendars and try to convince your bosses that it’s a special relgious holiday. I have a special birthday request at the RightWingDuck website. Please visit.
Secondly – and this is HUGE – IMAO passed the 5 millionth visitor mark today.
This is truly humbling. It means that at least a couple of thousand people have read my humor columns: The other 4.99 million Are Google searches for various people naked. And kinky things with animals.
Remember: IMAO is the only humor website proven to lower your cholesterol! **
IMAO:The Happiest Place On Earth!! ***
**This statement not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Motor Vehicles.
*** I hope the people at Disney don’t read this.

Number one with a bullet (dug out of a looter’s leg)

Sports Illustrated did another one of their Top Ten photo lists today featuring the ten toughest places to play in the NFL…

Continue reading ‘Number one with a bullet (dug out of a looter’s leg)’ »

The Weekly “Sorry, But I’m Busy” Post

Sorry, but I’ve been really busy the past couple days with a bunch of tedious number crunching. Still, I plan to write and release the next IMAO Newsletter over the weekend and promise to put “teh funny” in it. So, make sure you’re signed up.
My head hurts. I’m going to go drink more coffee now.

nausea machine . . .

. . . no, not this . . .

this . . .

Continue reading ‘nausea machine . . .’ »

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Sure, some of the IMAO bloggers have cats, but apparently I’m the only one of them mad enough to Friday Catblog. Is there anything more mad than catblogging?
Anyway, it’s time for Fencekitty Piper:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Piper is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats Sunday, so send your catblogging links to submissions @ carnivalofthecats.com.)

What This World Needs Is a Good Story of a Cowboy Fighting a Dragon

I thought I’d give my fantasy western short story one more shot before moving on. Thus, I’ve submitted to the Baen’s Universe (an SF magazine) one more time.
You can read it here and comment on it here. Please do read and comment on it (it takes a short registration) as it makes me look good and helps get me noticed (and you get to see my last name for the curious). I’ll always keep blogging, but I need to get some traditional writer bona fides. I know you all want to help me as then you’ll be able to say to people, “I was reading Frank J. back when he was only somewhat famous; you only knew him after he was super-famous.”

Carnival Of Comedy Slackers #49 is Up af Radioactive Liberty

Carnival of Comedy #49 had no host, but Fitch of Radioactive Liberty volunteered at the last minute and saved the day. Yay, Fitch!
Visit the Carnival of Slackers where he takes all the non-hosts (us) to task for not hosting.
If your work is featured in the Carnival, remember to link to it, real unslacker like.
Thanks to Fitch we have ourselves a carnival!
Ad we NEED HOSTS! I’ll be hosting the anniversary (52nd) Carnival, but the rest are open! This could be your chance to be somebody!
Carnival of Comedy Schedule
# – Host
50- A4G
51- Almost Average
52- spacemonkey – It will be at IMAO, though.
53- AbbaGav
54- Dr Phat Tony
55- Nobody
Thanks again to Fitch.