Help Frank Get His Bona Fides

I know I probably shouldn’t be asking for favors after not delivering “teh funny” the past couple days (in my defense, how was I supposed to compete with things such as Iranian Missile Command?), but it looks like there might be some interest in my short story. It still needs edits, though, and that’s where I need some help. I need some people willing to give it a critical look over and help spot the areas that could be improved. The story is here and comments on the story go here. First take a look at Paula Goodlett’s comments as a starting point.
Thanks you to all those who have already commented. More funny is coming soon, BTW.

Coming soon to a theater near you . . .

I came across this really cool website, where you upload a picture and it tells you what famous people you look like. It’s fun to play around with. It can be hard to get on during peak hours, but I highly recommend a visit:
Here are some potential actors for an IMAO movie . . .

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