American Idol 5 Top 8

Um… Is that a sweater vest under Ryan’s suit? Ryan says they’re so excited to have a Queen night on the show. I’ll bet you are, Ryan.
Poor Mandisa. I wish she were here. You people who didn’t vote for her suck. Wait, I didn’t ever get through, so I guess I suck too.

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i just peed my pants!

ok, even if y’all don’t watch American Idol.
do me a favor and watch tonight. it’s going to be the best show ever!

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Fun Trivia

What’s fun?

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Newsletter Out!

The first non-test IMAO Newsletter is out. It should be delivered to your inboxes early tomorrow morning, so make sure you’re signed up for this extra IMAO goodness.

The Solution to the Immigration Problem with Mexico Is a Communist Overthrow
An Editorial by Frank J.

 Many people are trying to sneak out of Mexico into America. This is very understandable, because, if someone suddenly threw me in Mexico, I would probably sneak in here too. I’m not good with geography, so I don’t know what country is south of Mexico and would be scared to sneak over there… as I bet are many Mexicans! The only problem is that America is just not set up to deal with that many Mexicans. Mexico has dealt with large numbers of Mexicans for a long time now and are simply better prepared for that. So how do we stop so many people coming here from Mexico?

“Your country sucking isn’t enough to get refugee status.”

 The main idea is to improve conditions in Mexico so people aren’t so desperate to leave, but let’s think outside of the box for a minute. What if we made things worse in Mexico? You’d think that would cause more people to flee, but not if we make it bad enough.

 Now, I’ve known many immigrants in my day, and they were all smart, hard-working people… people we’re glad to steal from other countries. Those immigrants were all from China, Cuba, Vietnam, or the former Soviet Union. So what is similar with those countries? Yes, they’re all Communist. If Communism has taught us anything, it’s that it makes great American immigrants.

 Communist countries really suck, but they also won’t let people leave. Everyone is supposed to love their stupid “dictatorship of the proletariat” or they’ll be executed. Since it’s so hard to leave those countries, only the smartest, most determined people will make it out alive. And what happens when they come here through improper channels? They’re declared “refugees” because they’re escaping oppression. Mexicans are just escaping a sucky country, and your country sucking isn’t enough to get refugee status. But, if you’re country was Communist, hey, let’s help set you up in America, you poor bastards.

 So, obviously, overthrowing the Mexican government and replacing it with a Communist regime is a super fantastic idea. Now, how to do that isn’t exactly my expertise, but maybe you Mexicans should just start talking about the dissolution of private property and hopefully hotter heads will prevail. When you strike, I’d recommend doing it during siesta because no one will expect it. If Vicente Fox gets all angry as you execute him for being part of the bourgeois, just remind him that he had supported the plight of illegal immigrants in the past, and this is what needs to be done.

 When it’s all over, we should have a nice Communist dictatorship south of us closed to the outside world, and, if that doesn’t solve a ton of problems, I don’t know what can.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on He is also the author of such books as “Stealing Ideas from Your Wife: She’s Useful for Other Things than Cooking, Cleaning, and… You Know” and “The Communist Guide to Weight Loss”.

Know Thy Enemy: Passover

Unlike “normal” holidays, Passover sneaks around the calendar and then shows up to distract us from our all-important Easter shopping. This obviously presents a threat to American society and our economy. Thus, I sent my crack research team to find out all they could about Passover.

  • The terms “Passover” and “Pesach” are used interchangeably to allow recording artists ample opportunity to find words that rhyme with the holiday.
  • One should not confuse the 15th day of Nissan in the Jewish calendar with the 15th day of owning a Nissan, when the customer usually brings the car back for its first of many “unexpected” repairs.
  • Of all the Plagues, historians consider “Frogs” to be more of a nuisance than a Plague. Unless “Frogs” is a mis-translation, of course, and it actually refers to a plague of Frenchmen. That would be worse than all other plagues combined.
  • Jews are not allowed to eat, own, or lease with an option to buy unleavened bread during this time. This results in a glut in the secondhand leavened bread market, putting thousands of bakers out of work.
  • Have you seen how cheap croutons are these days? Wow!
  • According to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the blood of Christian children is used in the making of matzoh, or the unleavened bread used in Passover rituals. However, like many best-sellers on the New York Times list written by their own columnists, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion just happens to be full of crap.
  • (If your children go missing, ask the Baron Von Bombast of Vulgaria where they went.)
  • During the Passover ceremony, Jews read from a book called the Haggadah, which contains the texts for the seder as well as the things you should shout out while sitting on the toilet for hours, blocked up from eating too much matzoh.
  • Looking for a Seder? Try the International Seder Directory. Or, if you’re in a hurry, your grocer’s freezer section for a Swansons Microwaveable Seder. (They tend to keep them hidden to avoid angering Muslims, so insist that you’re not a Muslim and that you want one.)
  • The name of The Almighty is often written as G-d or L-rd because it costs extra to buy a vowel from Vanna, and Jews are notoriously cheap.
  • Matisyahu rocks, man.
  • Jews make lousy slaves. Nobody trusts an enslaved plastic surgeon. What kind of idiot says “Here, slave, have a sharp object and then cut me up while I’m unconscious.”
  • Okay, besides Joan Rivers.
  • The phrase “Why is this night different from other nights?” refers to the extended stay of Jews in Miami Beach, where every night 78 degrees and has a 10 percent chance of precipitation.
  • In a fight between Moses and Aquaman, Moses would win. Because Moses would turn the rivers to blood, rendering Aquaman without water and powerless.
  • Then he’d smite him with his staff.
  • The ceremony starts with the Kaddesh, or the ritual blessing and drinking of wine. Repeat as often as necessary until you’re sufficiently blessed out of your mind.
  • The rest of the ceremony should be a blur. Blessings breakings, vegetables, bitter herbs – who needs it? You’re just going to stop by Wendy’s on the way home, anyway. If you recover any amount of lucidity, you didn’t Kaddesh yourself enough. (Tip: bring a flask)
  • Jews will hide the last piece of matzoh and call it the “afikomen” which translates to “It’s either this or let it go stale while taking up a lot of room in the pantry. It tasted so bad fresh, can you imagine how awful it will be stale?” The kids are then sent out of the room to go find the afikomen while the parents argue over who’s paying the bill.
  • The blessing “Next year in Jerusalem.” is obviously a Zionist plot to take over the world. Especially when you consider that Jews already in Jerusalem use the blessing “Okay, we’re in Jerusalem. Nice. How about next year we take over the entire world?”

So have a safe Passover, and watch out for Kaddeshed drivers.

Time to Put the Rumors to Rest

NASA has announced a plan to crash a probe into the moon with a collision so violent it should be visible from earth. I don’t want people misinterpreting the purpose of this mission. I know many you think that, just because I’m a paid consultant to both NASA and the DOD for this project that was authorized by the President and is being overlooked by the Secretary of Defense, think that this mission is a precursor to “nuking the moon.” That idea is so insane, it’s crazy. The mission, as stated, is to simply find water.
“Why is a huge collision needed to find water?” you may ask.
Well, when looking for water, you want to give it a 110%. That means a huge explosion.
And why do we need moon water?
Yes, it may seem like we have plenty of water here on earth since two-thirds of the planet is covered in it, but the present consumption of bottled water is not going to meet up with supply. And where can we get more water? Mars? Mars is too far away. We need moon water.
So, this NASA mission is all about water on the moon, so put all your ideas about nuking the moon to rest. That idea is so crazy, it’s insane.
Now, completely off-topic, if I were in charge of the design of a nuclear payload to crash into the natural satellite of some planet, what do you think should be written on it in big letters? I was going to go with “Eat this, moon hippies!” but I’d like to have some alternates for my upcoming presentation.