Secrets of the WMD Trailers: REVEALED!

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Lacking any fresh mud with which to smear the Bush administration, the “unbiased” media is re-hashing old accusations of President Bush lying about WMD.
Ok, so maybe those two trailers they found in May of ’03 weren’t “mobile biological weapons labs”, but I have a hard time believing the claims that they were used to “produce hydrogen for weather balloons”. Why would Iraq need weather balloons? Does the weather report ever change over there?
“Today will be incredibly freakin’ hot with a [random number] percent chance of sandstorms. After sunset, your camel will freeze his hump off”.
Anyway, here are my half-baked lunatic theories on what those trailers were ACTUALLY used for:

  • Mobile helium production facilities – Those goofy terrorists just love inhaling balloon gas and yelling “Durka! Durka! Jihad! Jihad!” in a funny Mickey Mouse voice.
  • Coyote trailers – Just in case any Mexicans felt like sneaking across the border into Iraq to steal jobs from hard-working Islamofascists.
  • Super secret Death Star Control Platform – SHHHHH! Secret! You no tell!
  • Scott McClellan’s retirement home – Needed something big enough so that his chubby ass wouldn’t get stuck in the doorway.
  • It’s where Michelle Malkin goes to strangle kittens with piano wire and/or mince them into brownies – Think of it as Camp David for MegaBloggers.
  • It’s where Glenn Reynolds goes to… aw, YOU know
  • Stolen oil storage facility – Since they only found 2 of them, President Bush wasn’t able to steal NEARLY as much oil as originally planned.
  • He was warned about this by numerous retired generals, but did he listen? NO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!
  • Originally designed as a Stupid Hippy Human Shield Transportation Device – Driven only once. Still can’t get the smell out.
  • Production facilities for Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream – Now you know where their delicious “Caramel Camel” and “Go Pound Sandies” flavors come from.

I was going to mention that they were also on Rumsfeld’s “Things That Need A Good Nukin'” list, but – let’s be honest – what isn’t?

American Idol 5 top 7 elimination

So here we cut it down to 6. My hope, of course, is that Kellie leaves, but I have no hope for that. I love the replay of Kellie saying “I butchered it!” It warms my heart.
Ford commercial… “Kids in America.” Funny, Kellie looks like Carrie in her billboard. It must be the shades. I like Chris smashing the guitar, but other than that, it’s… a Ford commercial. That reminds me, we were working tonight so we couldn’t watch ALIAS. I fully intend to snark it in the morning. Irina and Vaughn are returning, so I’m all in.
Rod Stewart comes out to the tune of “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy”. Yay! Anyway, he’s going to do something ’70s rockish next.
Rod sings “The Way You Look Tonight”. It’s great, but the microphone stand swing is a little out of place in this one, no?

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He Looks Familiar…

I like the new White House Press Secretary.

How Much Is It Worth for Rowdi Not to Chase the Cats

Our dog is still obsessed with the cats and likes to chase little Sydney despite our best training efforts, so I decided to contact the nearest dog behaviorist to see how much it would cost for in-house consultations.
It covers as many visits as it takes for the life of the dog, but still…
If only SarahK would believe me that the cats would be happy living in a cardboard box in the garage.

In My World: Cutting the Fat

“Numerous retired generals have called for your resignation,” a reporter said to Donald Rumsfeld. “How do you respond to this?”
“Why would I respond to the opinions of a couple retired generals?” Rumsfeld demanded angrily. He then said in a mocking voice, “‘Ooh! I’m too old for war so I’m going to retire!’ Back in my day, generals stayed on until they died in battle. I have no use for the words of those who wimped out.”
“So, have you put any thought towards resigning?” asked another reporter.
“Your questions annoy me!” Rumsfeld shouted. “I have decided to kill you all violently! Rarr!”

“Blood does not come out!” President Bush whined. “That’s it. I’m not buying you new suits every time the reporters annoy you.”
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld yelled and punched a hole in the wall.
“Fine. We’ll pay for a new suit. Calm down.”
“And more cruise missiles!”
“Okay. That too.”
Rumsfeld stormed off just as Scott McClellan came running toward Bush. “What’s the matter, fatty fat fat?” Bush asked.
“The key to my office doesn’t seem to work anymore.” Scott led Bush to a door and was unable to get the key to fit.
“Are you sure that’s your office?” Bush said. “It doesn’t have your name on it.”
Scott looked at the door. “Where did my nameplate go?”
“Let’s not worry on little things like that.” Bush held up a piece of paper and a pen. “Now sign this.”
“What is it?”
“It’s… uh… a bill. It needs a signature.”
“But you’re the one who is supposed to sign bills.”
“Then it’s a… uh… petition.” Bush shoved the pen at Scott. “Now, sign!”
“How could this be a petition? There’s only one line for a signature.” Scott grabbed the document. “Hey! This is a letter of resignation! You’re trying to get rid of me!”
“That’s just crazy,” Bush said. “You’re a crazy person, and there is no reasoning with you. I have to go talk to job applicants.”

“I sure you all have a lot of questions about Rumsfeld and Iran,” Scott told the White House Press Corps, “so let’s get started.”
“Why announce your resignation now?” a reporter asked. “Is it because you finally realized your tubby and no one likes you?”
Scott looked confused. “I’m not announcing my resignation.”
“You say you’re leaving to spend more time with your family,” said another reporter, “but isn’t it true your family doesn’t like you either?”
“No. I need this job to have money to feed my family,” Scott said with worry.
To the side, Bush appeared with Tony Snow. Bush pointed at Scott. “That’s where you’ll stand.” He then pointed to the press. “Those are the morons you’ll have to placate.”
“Are you replacing me?” Scott shouted.
“Do I have to deal with that tubby goober there with this job?” Tony asked.
“No,” Bush answered, “Just shove him out of the way.”
Tony walked over and knocked Scott to the ground.
“Ow!” Scott yelled. “You’re going to get a loyalty problem with stuff like this.”
“So what would I do with these people?” Tony asked Bush as he looked at the press. “They look dumb.”
“Just distract them with shiny things and use big words to confuse them. I don’t know any big words, so you’ll have to get those from other people.”
“Why are you considering someone from FOX News for the position of White House Press Secretary?” a reporter asked.
“You try and answer that for me,” Bush told Tony.
“FOX News is a great pool of talent,” Tony said to the press. “The station was founded when polls revealed that the American people prefer reporters and anchors who aren’t full of crap.”
“Good answer,” Bush said.
“I never got praise,” Scott whined, still lying on the ground.
“If you’re getting someone from FOX News, why wasn’t I considered?” FOX News reporter Melinda Hawkish asked angrily.
“Because you’re mean!” Bush yelled.
“I’m surprised you didn’t consider an illegal immigrant as a cheaper alternative,” she shot back.
“Who says I didn’t!”
“What’s this stack of bricks for?” Tony asked Bush.
“If a question is too dumb, just throw one of those at a reporter’s head. Go ahead and try it.”
Tony chucked a brick at the press. “Ow! My cranium!” one shouted.
“What do I do if I run out of bricks?”
Bush opened a panel on the podium revealing a hidden button. “Just press this and a heavy narcotic is released into the press which will cause them all to be very happy and easy to manipulate.”
“You never showed me that secret button!” Scott said.
“Quiet, tubby; you’ve talked enough.” Bush turned to Tony. “So, if you take the job, I’ll throw in a blank signed pardon. You can use it to get anyone off of anything… no matter how heinous the crime.”
“I can’t believe you’re replacing me,” Scott grumbled. “Will you at least help me get a new job?”
“I will use the full power of my presidency to get you a new occupation,” Bush assured him.

“Can I get fries with that?”
Scott groaned. “No. This is Taco Bell.”
“What can I get?”
Scott adjusted his paper hat. “Tacos.”

IMAO Poll: White House Press Secretary

It looks like there’s a new job opening in the Bush Administration today:

Which IMAO blogger should be the next White House Press Secretary?
Frank J.
Cadet Happy
Right Wing Duck
Laurence Simon
Free polls from

Now, if FrankJ were Araianna Huffington, he’d take a bunch of press releases and transcripts from Tony Snow and then fake up a blog post here by him so he could claim that Tony Snow writes for IMAO.

But he’s not Arianna Huffington. Which means instead of doing it himself, he’ll probably make me or Harvey do it for him.

Yeah, he’s a harsh taskmaster, but at least he gives me time to let the bread rise, I’ll give him that.

Conservatives Think It’s Okay to Be a Woman and a Minority

Liberals hate people with different viewpoints, and, even more so, they hate people who look different from them. They save their strongest attacks for people who express conservative viewpoints while being either a woman or a minority since they just hate women and minorities so much. Michelle Malkin made the mistake of being both a woman and a minority, and has thus gotten a great amount of noxious hate mail through the years for what liberals perceive to be a crime of the highest order.
It’s time to take a stand. Thus many blogs now display this banner:

Six Meat Buffet
Echoes Of Forever
Crash Gordon
Conservative Dialysis
SuperFun PowerHour
Justin’s Random Thoughts
The Templar Times
…right justified
Fmragtops Spews
Right Hand of God
Algo’s Blog
The Conservative UAW Guy
We have nothing to lost but our chains…
Sports and My Thoughts
O’Hara Factor
Right Wing Nation
Conservatives think it’s okay to be a woman or a minority. We even think it’s okay to be both and will not attack someone for that. While many prefer that people express opinions only while being a Caucasian male, we think it’s okay to be a woman and/or a minority while stating your views. Thus, we all stand against dumb honky cracker liberals using slurs against Michelle Malkin, and we hope you’re brave enough to take that stand as well.
UPDATE: List has been updated with more supporters.