Public Service Announcement – New Orleans election results

In case you’re interested in whether Katrina knocked any sense into the population of New Orleans, is posting live election results tonight.
The lead has been shifting back-and-forth between Mitch Landrieu and Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin, and it will most likely be a run-off at this point. However, one this is clear: a majority of voters are voting for someone other than Ray Nagin.
Whether this will hold up in the runoff or if Jesse Jackson will scream holy hell over bussed-in voters being turned away from polls for failing to bring registration cards or identification is another matter entirely.
In other news, the IMAO elections are also taking place tonight. So far, FrankJ, Harvey, and Right Wing Duck are all in a three-way tie, but the election is being disputed because someone tried to stuff the ballot box with crabmeat.

Madeleine Albright can leg-press 400lbs


While waiting on the next IMAO podcast

While the other IMAO bloggers are busy working on the next IMAO podcast, I’ve been working on a new feature on my own podcast: the Weekly Challenge.
I’m kinda hoping that Aquaman will have the time to send in a story for next week’s challenge. It’s just that he keeps shorting out his computer and microphone setup, being underwater and all.

InstaBunny – A Love Story

(A Filthy Lie)
Five years ago, at a Las Vegas Furry Convention, Glenn Reynolds met the love of his life, Bonita Bunny:
(click to enlarge)

Today they live in Memphis with their three children:
(click to enlarge)

You may have noticed that Glenn lets his kids guest-post from time to time.
[top pic courtesy of Cadet Happy]