Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Sure, some of the IMAO bloggers have cats, but apparently I’m the only one of them brilliant enough to combine cats and blogging without blowing them up in a messy explosion of fur and PHP codes.
Anyway, it’s time for Frisky the Fluffy:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Frisky is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats Sunday, so send your catblogging links to submissions @


  1. Nardo is sitting on the Sombrero in protest over the desecration of his beloved National Athem by illegal people of mexican decent. Why is he sitting on a Sombrero you ask…he doen’t know what the hell else to do to protest this evil and vile act!

  2. per the previous comments this scene seems to be some sort of protest on the Amnesty for Illegals proposal, but for some reason I had a vision of Slyvester the Cat chasing Speedy Gonzales.

  3. Channeling the Hate filled lefty:
    Frisky represents all you racist Bushmcchimplyhitler rethuglican chickenhawk keeping down the rightous person of brownness who just wants to do the jobs you SUV driving can’t stop oppressing the poor and starting wars for oil long enough to do!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Brian,
    You may be channeling a lefty, but you aren’t doing it right – not enough spelling errors.
    Frisky appears nearly asleep – symbolizing the government – right on top of an issue and barely registering any comprehension.

  5. El gato tiene un ratón atrapado debajo del sombrero.
    Or.. he ate the “guest worker” who was stealing Laurence Simon’s 60″ plasma screen!!!
    Or… He is a “migrant worker cat” who does jobs that american cats won’t do (like catching and eating mice), and he is preparing to join the Mexicans on “Uno de Mayo” to protest us pinche gringos!!!
    Hora le!!!!!

  6. Brian the Adequate…
    As you celebrate you mediocrity through your name can you answer a couple of questions?
    I am not sure what a “rightus” person is but how is the right “holding down people of “brownness”? Do you know that minority owned businesses are the fastest growing sector of the self employed right now? It is not wrong to want immigration laws enforced to stop the overburdening of our medical and school systems.
    I am a conservative but don’t drive an SUV… But, if I did it would be none of your damn business.
    And finally.. If we started a war for oil would we be paying $3 + a gallon right now?
    I know you are just trolling looking to stir up the pot here so; I am not going to let you get me riled up.
    I will give you credit for one thing…nah, on second thought; I can’t really come up with anything for you. Sorry!

  7. Everyone be careful..kya is on to us!! I have told you all to be more discrete with your wiccan paraphernalia..
    You fools! They know to much, they must all be eliminated!
    Mu ha ha ha ha!!!

  8. Some of y’all have just toooo much time on your hands.
    Frisky is simply waiting for someone to attempt to put that smelly old hat on him. Then you gonna see some action, m’hijo.

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