IMAO Poll: White House Press Secretary

It looks like there’s a new job opening in the Bush Administration today:

Which IMAO blogger should be the next White House Press Secretary?
Frank J.
Cadet Happy
Right Wing Duck
Laurence Simon
Free polls from

Now, if FrankJ were Araianna Huffington, he’d take a bunch of press releases and transcripts from Tony Snow and then fake up a blog post here by him so he could claim that Tony Snow writes for IMAO.

But he’s not Arianna Huffington. Which means instead of doing it himself, he’ll probably make me or Harvey do it for him.

Yeah, he’s a harsh taskmaster, but at least he gives me time to let the bread rise, I’ll give him that.


  1. Sorry to ALL ya’ll but I gotta give it to RightWingDuck. His righteous Downyness sometimes hits the point so succinctly and yet so sublimely (yeah, big use of ye old Thesaurus for THOSE babies) that he kinda overrides the silliness that Frank is prone to. Not saying that RWD isn’t funny, he is, but he also makes you think.
    I mean Frank makes you think too…but…OH GOD I’M RUINING IT!!!

  2. I think we need Laurence in there. Thus we can further agitate the barking moonbat MSM by having a Jewish person as Press Secretary. We’ll get to see actual foaming at the mouth rather than the semi-rabid spittle in the corners. They want a Zionist Conspiracy, then let’s give them enough of a show of one that they all keel over from an apoplexy.
    It’ll be fun. Just one more operational component of Chicken Little.

  3. Any smart White House reporter (oxymoron, I know) would think twice before dissing Aquaman! He has shark friends. Example: Hey Whitey, see the cute one with the silicone breast enhancements? No, not that one! The guy with the really nice hair!

  4. sorry, frankj, but i have to agree with you… you’d be a lousy press secretary…
    i have to vote for my pal spacemonkey for two reasons: 1. he can be ultra sarcastic w/ his answers and 2. he makes great monkey noises…

  5. I voted for Laurence, because the statistics back me up:
    100% of Bush’s jewish press secretaries have rocked.
    100% of Bush’s christian press secretaries have stunk.
    And really, there’s only one more thing that needs to be said: Friday afternoon Press Catfrences

  6. Well, we already have a sort of “ask Dr. Duck” thing going on here at IMAO. Why not just make that national and have RWD be the new press secretary? Kinda makes sense to me – he has experience, dashing good looks, and a Ph.D!

  7. Yes, I too voted for Laurence, simply because he’s a joooooo.
    Has anyone ever noticed that there’s no such thing as a moderate jew? Its either Henry Kissinger, or Barbra Streisand. I wonder what that’s all about. And don’t even get me started on David Horowitz.

  8. You are all passing up the obvious…Clark Kent. Not only is he an honest, all-around, good guy that takes guff from no-one(except Lois Lane) he could also laser into nonexistance any snarky press member that dares question Republican Policy. Plus his superhero uniform is MUCH nicer than Aquaman.

  9. I have already nominate RWD for Supreme High Emperor of this and any other galaxy, so I think he should be the press secretary. The MSM or DBM(drive by media) elites are sooooo impressed with titles they’d listen to and report ad nausia everything he said.
    Although the downside of this would be that Helen Thomas’ head would probably not explode. Oh, well you can’t have everything.

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