The First Anniversary Carnival Of Comedy


Welcome to the April 27, 2006 edition, the 52nd edition, and also the 1st Anniversary Edition ( We skipped a week back when the london ‘tube’ bombings took place) of the Carnival of Comedy. This is one big edition.As you may or may not know, I am an artist or perhaps I am a nartist. Either way, I draw stuff. I drew stuff for the carnival, in fact I drew all the stuff you see on this here carnival. The 52nd and First anniversary Carnival. Of Comedy.

Sorry it’s late but it wouldn’t be a spacemonkey carnival of comedy if it were on time. Would it?

Look what I did! I made a pencil drawing for all the top entries. (poor them) They have Teh Funny!

Teh Funny!


Dr. Phat Tony presents Taser Fun posted at Dr. Phat Tony’s

Pluto’s Dad at Eyes On The Ball News presents Chernobyl Radiation Mutates, Creates Super Predators

Prof. Stephen Hawking at Point Five presents The Justice League Of The Differently Abled

tommy at Striving For Average presents Where’s Teddy?

FIAR at Radioactive Liberty presents Bin Longdead Speaks from the Grave– Again

Citizen Grim at Right Hand of God presents Air Guitar Techniques: A Beginner’s Guide



Remulak MoxArgon at The MoxArgon Group presents Time To Open MoxArgon’s Mail Sac Mail sac? Ugh! but funny.

Damian G. at Conservathink presents Ah, patchouli! Earth Day 2006.

Michael McCullough (Stingray) presents A somber anniversary: Jimmy Carter and the Killer Rabbit posted at Christianity and mental illness. Pictures included!

Robert Levin presents Peggie posted at Robert levin. [Adult/Sexual Themes]

Vox Poplar at Vox Poplar Is Right About Everything & Don’t You Forget It! presents Top 10 Super Happy Fun Time!

Buckley F. Williams at The Nose On Your Face presents Ike Turner On Iraqi Women’s Rights

AbbaGav at AbbaGav presents Dating Game: Condi and the Three Strongmen

bob at either orr presents Whose country is it anyway?


Big Cajun Man presents They spent HOW MUCH to tell me I have $5? posted at Canadian Financial Rants. OK, I guess.

Don Surber at Don Surber presents State Liquor Inspector Beats DUI Rap

fmragtops at Fmragtops Spews presents Are Lower Gas Prices Worth Your Testicles?

Gullyborg at Resistance is futile! presents Southern Man

GrrlScientist at Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted) presents Teacher Arrested At JFK Airport in NYC

Rex Howell presents THE GREAT DEER MASSACRE OF 2003 posted at Deer Camp Blog.

The Cranky Insomniac at The Cranky Insomniac presents Good Friday: This day in history [Language]



Peace Moonbeam presents Scooter’s Report posted at The Peace Moonbeam Chronicles.

Butch Morgan at 123beta presents What Happens When Your Daddy [If this was funny tell me, I didn’t have the patience to dl the powerpoint presentation and load powerpoint]

miriam at miriam’s ideas presents Philadelphians Talk Funny

Jerry Dante at Jerry Dante presents Richard Pryor and the Business

That concludes the 1st Anniversary Edition of the Carnival of Comedy. It’s been a good year and lot of laughs. I’m not one to wax nostalgic. So I won’t. But thanks to all the hosts, entrants and humor lovers over the past year. You made this the most successful year for the Carnival of Comedy ever!

Upcoming hosts:

53- AbbaGav
54- Dr Phat Tony
55- fmragtops – How do you pronounce that?
56- Passionate America
57- The MoxArgon Group
58- Jerry Dante [language]

Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Comedy using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Update:! I Forgot Bob Orr’s Entry! So I added It.


  1. See with advanced stuff like PSPro and Photoshop looking all ‘sophisticated’ and stuff, crude pencil drawings are actually a LOT FUNNIER. That’s why Frank’s “Hate Filled Lefty” was such a hit in MY household.

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