Where Did IMAO Go? Ask Saudi Arabia

DoS attack on Hosting Matters took IMAO down and a number of other poltical blogs. Michelle Malkin has the details (she always has the details first; hmm…).
What’s the point of these attacks? We’re down a couple hours, and then we’re just angrier.
Anyway, make sure to tell everyone you know to visit IMAO and buy lots of merchandise; it’s the only way to show the terrorists you won’t be intimidated.
So does this count as the first attack against the 101st Fighting Keyboardists?


  1. actually for a period every hosting matters site was down according the emergency board. I still haven’t figured out why that site is always up even when everything else is down. Supposedly it wasn’t actually hosting matters that was down, but the pipeline to and from, and so they had to simply wait for it to be fixed with the rest of us.

  2. It was doubtlessly the pussychickens or their “freedom fighter” friends.
    Where are the l33t haxx0rs with mad skillz on our side? Time for a little “Operation Enduring Freedom II – Revenge of the Blogosphere”!

  3. What do you expect when you hurt the feelings of sensitive jihadis? I think that if you have the right to say what you want to say, they should have the right to kill innocent civilians, hack off the heads of Wall Street Journal reporters, and shut down the blogs they don’t like. I mean, it only seems fair.
    Speaking of blogs the jihadis don’t like, I’m surprised they didn’t go after blogs like DailyKos or DU seeing as how much… they… disagree… (thoughtful pause) Oh, I get it now.

  4. Perhaps Hosting Matters needs to use the “human shield” system of arranging sites on servers so that when the jihadis target conservative blogs with DDOSes, they end up taking down Islamic charity sites, jihadi discussion forums, and lefty CCindy Sheehan-style sites get taken down with them?

  5. Awaiting marching orders, Commander J! How do we retaliate? I like Master Shake’s idea. Operation Hackback! Unfortunately I’m not a l33t haxx0r with mad skillz.
    As far as precisely who do we retaliate against goes, I think you spelled that out pretty well in Nuke The Moon. We just attack someone at random.

  6. So glad you’re back. After all a day without IMAO is like a day without sunshine. Seriously if I were a l33t haxx0r with mad skillz or a mutant with super powers I would avenge y’all. As it is all I can do is say Welcome Home, and boycott all jhadists everywhere.

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