In Case Anyone Was Wondering

Contrary to rumors you may have read in the MSM, the 101st Fighting Keyboardists have no plans to institute any sort of draft, as voluntary enlistment quotas are currently being met and/or exceeded.

Dan Rather’s Blog

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Recently rumors have surfaced that Dan Rather is contemplating quitting CBS and taking up blogging.
Now there’s no mystery regarding WHAT he’d blog about – his cat, his colon, how much it sucks to be living in his daughter’s basement – after all, he’s lost without his teleprompter.
The only question is what he would call his blog. I speculate thusly on the possibilities:

  • Rather Ironic, Isn’t It?
  • Speaking Half-Truths to Power
  • Drink the TANG
  • CBS Evening KOS
  • I Am NOT Making This Up!
  • Here’s the Frequency, Now Stop Calling Me Kenneth!
  • Delusions By Dan
  • Democratic Underwear
  • Funny Like Colbert, Except Not On TV
  • I’m STILL Not Wearing Pants When I Sit Behind My Desk
  • Now With Superscripts!
  • Take A Memo
  • Rather’s Blathers
  • Please Stop Fact-Checking My Ass
  • The Ratherington Post
  • How Much Is That Selectric In the Window?
  • 43 Years At CBS and Not Even a Freakin’ Gold Watch to Show For It – Cheap, Back-Stabbing Bastards!
  • Oh Yeah? Well I Wouldn’t Come Back Now If You Got Down On Your Hands and Knees and BEGGED Me!… Although I Suppose It Wouldn’t Hurt To Try…
  • D!scount V1agra! – The GoogleBait Blog
  • Vast Mainstream Wing Conspiracy
  • Courage – The Blog
  • Authenticated Signatures, Journalistic Integrity and Other Oxymorons
  • It’s NOT Bush’s Fault (Just Kidding)
  • Crouching Liar, Hidden Agenda

He might also call it, since heaven knows THAT one’s not being used.
Any other possibilities?

The Diet-Pepsi of Evil Gets Life

No needle for Moussaoui. His statement upon leaving the courtroom: “America, you lost. I won.”
I’m still of the opinion the guy is just too pathetic to kill. If he were really evil, he wouldn’t have to try so hard to sound evil. Well, I guess he’ll have plenty of time now to work on his evilness, but, considering how Charlie Manson seems less and less threatening as time goes by, this was probably Moussaoui’s highpoint. In a number of years, at best he’ll be a somewhat difficult Trivial Pursuit question.

Fun Trivia

Some liberals now claim that “chickenhawk” is a term for a certain kind of sexual predator. Is this true?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

IMAO’s Equal Opportunity Policy

Although IMAO’s hostility toward liberals has been getting a lot of attention lately, I would like to remind our readers that it’s the official policy of IMAO to make offensive, derogatory, belitting jokes about EVERYONE, regardless of political alignment, religious belief, skin color, gender, sexual preference, national origin, or any other Self-Chosen Affiliation Marker that typically grants protected-victim status.
So, if you would like to file a grievance because your SCAM has not been sufficiently mocked or derided by IMAO, please leave a comment telling us what your SCAM is, and one of our culturally-insensitive customer slurvice representatives will hurl a thoughtless epithet in your direction.
If your comment is ignored, please keep trying, as your petulant indignation is important to us.
Thank you for reading.
IMAO: A Multicultural Rainbow of Diverseful Offensivity Since 2002

Looks like I picked the wrong week to snap photos of Houston’s Danger Train

Just in time for May Sweeps, ABC’s Blotter Blog is warning that we’re all going to die!
Oh. Wait. Never mind. Just those of us on trains and in train stations.

ABC News has learned that the Department of Homeland Security has alerted U.S. mass transit officials to “suspicious videotaping” of European rail systems that point to a continuing terrorist interest in targeting mass transit and “possible surveillance or pre-operational planning.”

Here in Houston, we’re fully prepared for this. Terrorists will take one look at our Light Rail line, laugh themselves silly, and then head back to their offices in the Saudi Aramco building.

Just Short of Official Recognition

Sorry, I should have mentioned this before the puppy blender, but, anyway, the 101st Fighting Keyboardists have gotten the endorsement of CENTCOM thanks to Sneakeasy’s Joint.
I’m hoping to get us all assigned M-16s, but that might still take some time.

Ask Dr. Duck!!

This is Dr. Duck. Here to help, love, nourish, and (hopefully) mock.
Anway, it’s that time of the week when you, dear IMAO readers, can ask me – Dr. R.W. Duck all of the questions that you need answered.
Family problems? Drinking problems? Family drinking problems? Promblems family drinking? Problems reading words in their correct order? I can help, or at least post an answer that might potentially help*
So go ahead and post that question. Love. Marriage. Career. Politics.
* Disclaimer. Odds of getting actual help one in 300,000 million. Please play responsibly. Dr. Duck does the work Americans refuse to do, thusly he should not be deported. Dr. Duck answers are copyrighted in the sense that no one in their right mind would dare to write what I write for fear of being institutionalized. Dr. Duck is a “doctor without borders ‘ in the sense that I live in Tijuana and come here whenever I feel like it. Fragile, handle with care. Please tear along the perforated line. Some contents may have settled during shipping.

In My World: Colbert, Iran, and Something that Rhymes with “Jew”

President Bush read the jokes off the teleprompter and enjoyed the laughter from the audience at the White House Correspondence Dinner, but the strange echo he kept hearing was starting to disturb him. The echo wasn’t even correctly repeating what he was saying. Bush then turned to see another man was there who looked and sounded just like him.
“Aieeee! A pod person!” Bush shouted as he pulled out a shotgun.
Laura ran over and grabbed Bush. “That’s Steve Bridges and he’s part of the act.” Laura looked to the audience. “That’s my wacky husband!”
Everyone laughed, and Laura led Bush back to his seat while Stephen Colbert walked to the podium.
“This guy is funny!” Bush told Laura, “I saw him on TV, and I laughed really hard at all the jokes I understood.”
Stephen Colbert cleared his throat and started his routine. “President Bush is an evil man. He supports torture. No one likes him. He has broken many laws.” Colbert was quiet for a few seconds. “That was the punch line.”
Someone coughed.
“This isn’t funny!” Bush whispered to Laura. “Something is wrong with him! Maybe he’ll be funnier if I throw a shoe at him.”
“He has gotten us into a war where many have died,” Colbert continued. “He is not smart, and–” A shoe hit Colbert in the head. “Ow!”
“Ha! That was funny!” Bush shouted. He then thought for a moment. “Can someone hand me back my shoe?”

Bush poured himself a cup of coffee. “That stupid dinner had me up past my bedtime. Why can’t I delay running the country until later?” He then saw Tony Snow in the hallway. “Wow! I know you from FOX News! What are you doing here?”
“Um… you hired me as your new press secretary, remember?”
“Yeah, we needed to replace tubby. No why we needed to replace him?”
“Because he was…” Tony shrugged his shoulders. “…tubby?”
“That’s right! You’re a quick one, Snowman.”
Tony took out a newspaper. “Anyway, I thought you might want to see this. In reaction to Stephen Colbert’s performance, a number of left-wing nuts have erected shrines in his honor and formed religions around him.”
Bush furrowed his brow. “They thought he was funny?”
“They don’t go as far to say that, but they think he was daring to speak the truth or some crap.”
“But he wasn’t funny!” Bush exclaimed. “Don’t these moonbats understand funny?”
“Studies show they are quite humorless.”
“The only funny part was when I hit him with my shoe,” Bush said. He then laughed. “Man, that was funny. He was all like, ‘Ow! Where did that shoe come from?’ Did you see that, Snowman?”
Tony chuckled. “Yes, that was funny. It was also funny when he picked up your shoe and ran off and then you started cursing at him.”
Bush looked down to see one of his feet was shoeless. “He still has my shoe! That unfunny shoe-stealer!” Bush grabbed a shotgun that was leaning against a table. “I’m getting my shoe back!”
“You sure keep a lot of shotguns around.”
“That’s because I’m a smart president! Now, come on; time to get your hands dirty, Snowman!” Bush began to awkwardly march off, but Condoleezza Rice stopped him.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to go get my shoe back from that unfunny Stephen Colbert!” Bush shouted. “We’ll see who is funny when I murder him dead!”
“But Iran has threatened that, if anyone attacks Stephen Colbert, they will retaliate against Israel!” Condi exclaimed.
“So?” Bush answered. “It’s not like I have a summer home there.”
“Yes, but if Israel is attacked, they vow to retaliate against Saudi Arabia. And, if Saudi Arabia is attacked, the vow to retaliate against…” Condi took out a long sheet of paper. “Well, to cut to the chase, eventually someone will retaliate against Namibia, who vows to attack us.”
“Oh no! We’ll all die!” Bush exclaimed. “I can’t believe that Iran is directly indirectly threatening us like that, but I can’t just walk around with one shoe! The international community will never respect me!”
“We could just go buy some new shoes,” Tony suggested.
“Maybe you come from a world where you can just go to some magical store and get shoes,” Bush said, “but, here in the world of politics, if a comedian steals your shoe, you have to get it back using a shotgun or you shall remain shoeless forever!”
“Haven’t you ever wondered why, to this day, Jimmy Carter walks around shoeless?” Condi asked Tony.
“I guess there’s a lot to politics I still have to learn.”
“There’s a lot about everything I have to learn,” Bush said. He looked to Condi. “Put out the announcement that, if America is attacked, we will retaliate against Iran!”

The crazy Iranian president ran to the crazy Iranian mullahs. “America threatens to destroy us if attacked!”
The crazy Iranian mullahs looked over a long sheet of paper. “That means if we attack Israel in retaliation for an attack on Stephen Colbert, we will surely die… eventually. Tell Colbert we will no longer defend him.”
The crazy Iranian president picked up the phone and dialed Stephen Colbert. “We will no longer retaliate against Israel if you are attacked.”
“You will no longer what? –And who is this?”

Bush stood outside the Comedy Central studios and chambered a round into his shotgun. “It’s time to get my shoe back, Snowman!”
A number of hooded figures approached Bush and Tony. “We are of the Church of Colbert, the one who brings truth to power, and we will die in defense of him.”
“Okay.” Bush fired his shotgun and killed all the liberals.
“Do you feel any remorse for that?” Tony asked.
Bush chambered another round. “It should be pretty obvious at this point in my presidency that I don’t feel any remorse for anything.”

The doorbell rang at the White House. Laura put down her duster to answer it.
“Hi,” said a man standing at the doorstep holding a box. “We had a number of items left in Lost & Found after the White House Correspondence Dinner. One’s a shoe that we think might belong to President Bush.”
Laura picked up the shoe. “Yes, he was looking for this.”
“We also have four shotguns.”
Laura rolled her eyes. “Yeah, he really needs those.”

American Idol 5 top 5

So I’m just now watching this, because we had a dinner to go to last night. Hey look, there’s Anthony Federov in the audience. I liked him for a while.
Paula looks pretty. I wonder if she’s drunk. Y’all were all wondering the same thing when you watched it. UPDATE: Apparently they took away her happy pills. She seems normal.

Continue reading ‘American Idol 5 top 5’ »


Why do we say “litmus test” for a pass/fail test against politicians when, at least from my experience, litmus paper is used to measure degrees of acidity, not just a true/false result about whether something is acidic?


John Hawkins was murdered!

Can Any Blog Even Compete with Daily Kos at Helping Republicans?

Kos has the new litmus test for whether Dems get the Kwazy Kos Kid vote: Whether or not a politician found Stephen Colbert’s performance at the White House Correspondence Dinner funny.
I think it’s really only a matter of time before the Kos and his denizens start viciously murdering Democrats for imagined crimes against the “progressive base.”
I’m serious, Democrats! Switch parties before these people get you!

Law Class Sounds Hard

And it appears that Bert and Ernie are just a couple of thugs.

Smog Alert!

Sorry that SarahK doesn’t have her American Idol review, but she had to miss AI to go to a company function with me where I got a plaque.
But it’s a really nice plaque.
I bet she’s watching it off the Tivo right now and not waiting for me. Then again, the spirit really went out of her now that she doesn’t have Kellie Pickler to kick around anymore.
BTW, there was some huge fire somewhere around where I lived, and we ended up having smog so thick that, when I took the dog out this morning, I could only see like ten feet in front of me.
But enough about me; how’s your day?
UPDATE: SarahK reviews the American Idol top five here.