American Idol 5 top 4
The God and the American Idol Producers Hate SarahK Edition

Ryan should keep his hands out of his pants pockets tonight, because the hands in the pocket are making his suit give him boobies. For reals.
Anyway, I suspect tonight will be one of the biggest beatings of my life, ranking right up there with the night Frank beat me silly because I forgot to have his dinner ready when he got home from work and my great bike crash of 2002 that left me scarred, bruised for 6 months, and battered.
For the two of you who don’t know, I can’t change the station fast enough if I hear Elvis on the radio. Especially slow songs. Gag me with a spork.
Tommy Motolla is helping. I can’t show respect for someone who married Mariah Carey.

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The God and the American Idol Producers Hate SarahK Edition’ »

Reason I Hate Liberals #34,685

What’s with the moonbats who seem to just search for sites to yell at? I mean, trolls add a bit of flavor to the comments, but it just seems so pointless to the troll. Who are these angry people looking for places to type about how wacky angry they are? Why do they come here? I can just see them furrowing their brows on their monkey faces as they try and fail to understand the humor at IMAO, and then they start flinging poo.
Stupid monkey-faced liberals who need punchings.

And Let’s Hopefully Speak of This No More

I think this is a very good summation of the whole Colbert kerfuffle (I think it’s funny this digby character weighs in – the same one who got his panties in a bunch over a couple of right-wing t-shirts; who died a horrible death and made him lord of humor?).
UPDATE: Since one of my readers was mean to him, here’s what Jim Treacher (who is not both a homosexual and a liberal as far as I know) thought about Colbert.

Crack Suicide Squad…ATTACK!

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Looks like the Al-Qaida Crack Suicide Squad is at it again:

BAGHDAD, Iraq — An explosion occurred in a building within the Sheik Abdel Kader mosque compound at approximately 6 p.m. May 7 in Rusafa, a neighborhood of east Baghdad.
Initial reports indicate that two terrorists were wounded and another one was killed in the blast.

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The Coalition of the Willing congratulates the disassembled airborne parts of these psychotic Islamofacsists on successfully chlorinating the Arab gene pool, and wishes them many similar successes in the future.
Meanwhile, the Al-Qaida threat level in Iraq has been downgraded from “nuisance” to “annoyance“, despite the Al-Qaida leadership’s evaluation of the Iraq contingent as “without any organized military capabilities”, which is actually a step up from last year’s grade of “inept clods clumsily overcompensating for their inadequate genitalia”.

You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. But you’ll keep your money.

(Via Screenhead)
Someone posted the classic Star Wars spoof Hardware Wars to Google Video.
How long before the Copyright Gestapo strikes it down and Senator Orrin Hatch blows up their computer?

Continue reading ‘You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. But you’ll keep your money.’ »

Sometimes the Fight Is the Point

I’m never good at fitting in bad news with the humor on this site, but Andrea Clark passed away. At least she died peacefully and with people fighting for her.
If you want more cheerful news, John Hawkins has a list of the liberal “netroots” agenda he got from Atrios. I wonder if one day the moonbats will realize what a silly little bubble they live in.

Totally True Tidbits About Australia

As Frank J. briefly mentioned, Australia was actually Britain’s first attempt at a penal colony. What he didn’t mention was that they stopped using it once they discovered that it was a lot cheaper to ship people off to Ireland and just steal their potatoes until they got so depressed that they emigrated to America and became crooked cops. Frank also forgot to mention these other:


  • Australia is sometimes referred to as the “island continent”. This is not exactly true, as it is actually connected to Asia by a series of underwater tunnels constructed by Aquaman prior to starting his so-called crime-fighting “career”.
  • Australia was originally a British penal colony for exiled thieves and murderers. It is not to be confused with France, which was originally a British penal colony for the cowardly and annoying.
  • Australia eventually outgrew its shady past and evolved into a modern civilized nation. France has yet to make that particular leap.
  • The basic unit of Australian currency is giant cans of beer, which explains why Australian men have gargantuan arm muscles.
  • Australia is known for its vast, wooly herds of opals.
  • It’s also known for its many sheep mining operations.
  • The kangaroo is a pouched marsupial native to Australia. Most women own them for storage purposes, since purses are illegal in Australia.
  • Rabbits are considered a pest in Australia. Although somewhat cute and fuzzy, they tend to wander the country in packs, destroying everything in sight, and pooping everywhere with no respect for property rights, much like American hippies.
  • The central portion of Australia is a dry, barren wasteland containing nothing of interest. Think of it as the real-world equivalent of an “Air America” broadcast day.
  • The Prime Minister of Australia is John Howard, and not, as most Americans assume, Steve Irwin. The confusion IS understandable, since Howard keeps a pair of crocodiles chained to the throne of terrorist skulls upon which he sits.
  • Contrary to a popular American stereotype, most Australians do NOT wear hats decorated with crocodile teeth or sell Subarus. That was just a phase Paul Hogan went through before he found Goth.
  • Dingoes are wild dogs native to Australia, and shouldn’t be confused with Ding-Dongs, which have less hair, and more cream filling.
  • Koala bears, also native to Australia, may look cute and cuddly, but they are actually very dangerous. If you see one, don’t make any sudden moves – just give him your wallet and hope he doesn’t hurt you.
  • Australians are strong, loyal, trustworthy, and fierce fighters. If for some unimaginable reason you don’t own a gun, consider carrying an Australian in your holster instead.
  • A platypus is an odd-looking creature that appears to be a cross between a duck and a beaver. They live primarily in water and to confuse biologists.
  • Ayers’ Rock is an incredibly huge rock that… well… it… um… that is… er… uh… anyway, it’s really big, so don’t make it angry.
  • But the best thing about Australians is that they have a great sense of humor. Even if some stupid American comes along and pokes a little good-natured fun at them they’ll just laugh and [WHACK!] OW! MY NOSE!

Completely off-topic, does anyone know how to extract a giant can of beer from your sinus cavity?

Thank God It’s a Two-Party System

Kos had his readers come up with a Republican slogan for the 2006 election. I didn’t read any, because I figured they would be asinine, but why don’t we give it a shot:
* “Because your only other choice is the Democrats.”
* “We admit it; we have a culture of corruption. Help reelect us, and we’ll cut you in.”
* “No, seriously, are you actually considering to vote for a Democrat?”
* “Who needs a slogan; Dieblold will rig things for us.”
* “Come on; we could burn down your house and still be a million times better choice than the Democrats.”
* “We’ve gotten so fat and lazy with our power, we’re not even going to bother with a slogan.”
* “Whoever came up with the phrase ‘lesser of two evils’ is a genius.”
* “Oh yeah… we do have to motivate you to the polls somehow. How about you elect us, and we’ll consider doing something about illegal immigration?”
What’s your idea for the 2006 Republican slogan (we’ll do the Dems later). Put it in the comments, yo!