Maybe they’ll change to “Serbia or Montenegro”

BAD NEWS: The next flag to be raised as an independent nation at the United Nations won’t be Kurdistan.
GOOD NEWS: It won’t be “Palestine” either.

Carnival of the Cats #113

Why are you looking at me like that?

Oh– I get it– it’s time for the Carnival of the Cats!

The Carnival of the Cats is a weekly roundup of cat-related posts on weblogs. Its purpose is to provide a non-political respite from the vehement echo chamber that the Blogopshere spins itself into during the week, demonstrating that even the mightiest and meekest of pundits have a love of cats in common.

I think we’re up to 113 COTC at this point. Shall we begin?

Continue reading ‘Carnival of the Cats #113’ »

First the Book… Then the Movie?

With all the talk of In My World™ fan-fiction (which is essentially fan-fiction of fan-fiction), I should mention that the editing for the first In My World™ book is done and I’m going to be focusing my free time on getting that out as soon as possible.
More soon.

How To Tell The Difference Between an Homage and a Rip-Off

If anyone sees Liam Smith, pistol-whip him. Even if it means marring the finish.
[Hat tip to IMAO reader Robby]

In Frank’s World – Fan Fiction Round-up

The Order of the Blue Square has President Bush (who does NOT look fat in that suit) sending in the Marines. Or a Marine, as the case may be.
Morgnet follows Tony Snow as he gets initiated into the inner workings of the White House. Personally, I want to download the files on Bush’s PDA.
The Moxargon Group is right – it IS fun being an illegal alien! Also, I had no idea that the White House had an official Oval Office poking stick. Hope Frank J. doesn’t get one of those.
Fmragtops has Rummy taking a more “hands on” approach to troop training. Considering his deep and mystical understanding of the martial arts, I have to say that this would be a good thing in the real world, too.

Ya know, you guys are better at this than I thought you were gonna be.
Think maybe I should make a weekly carnival out of this?
Might help out with that “you guys never post anything on the weekend” problem.
Meanwhile, keep ’em coming and drop a link in the comments.

“What the heck is an aluminum falcon?”

weekend time wasters . . .
“You got an ATM on that torso Lite-Brite?!” (YouTube)
Dance, dance, dance (YouTube)
10 Things I Hate About Commandments (YouTube)
Lifestyles of the rich and famous.
Frank’s dream date . . .

Continue reading ‘“What the heck is an aluminum falcon?”’ »