The Top 100’s AFI ignores

The American Film Institute is celebrating its 100 year anniversary with a smattering of Top 100 lists, timed for release to the press for maximum irrelevance and overuse by the issue-averse MSM.
Quotes? Scores? Passions? Thrills?
Give me a break.
How about some cool Top 100 Lists?
100. Top 100 “Cigarette Burn” Moments
99. Top 100 Films Where The Earth Is Destroyed
98. Top 100 Key Grips
97. Top 100 Movies Based On Television Shows
96. Top 100 Performances By Actors Or Actresses Who Worked Despite An Injury On The Set
95. Top 100 Films That Never Made It To The Theater And Ended Up With Just One Copy In Someone’s Vault For Decades
94. Top 100 Most Impressive Mustaches
93. Top 100 Outrageous Accents
92. Top 100 Shots Of The World Trade Center
91. Top 100 Dogfights
90. Top 100 Characters That Are 180 Degrees Politically From The Person Portraying Them, But They Do It For The Paycheck

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Headline of the Day

AP: Jury Finds Muhammad Guilty in Sniper Trial
Well, what did you expect after drawing all those cartoons mocking the guy?

A Union Boss Is Gone, So Just Be Happy

Did you know the FBI is still looking for Jimmy Hoffa? I guess if you lose a Hoffa, it will just dog you until you find him again. So did they check the couch? I lose stuff a lot either under couch cushions or under the couch itself if the cats were batting it around. When they last saw Hoffa, were the cats playing with him?
And, are they sure they have his home phone number right? Maybe the reason they called his house and never got an answer all these years is they were dialing the wrong number. Hoffa could just have been home all this time watching TV while the FBI dialed the wrong number looking for him; won’t they feel dumb if that’s true.

America Has Too Many Citizens
An Editorial by Frank J.

 The other day, I saw some weird thing I didn’t understand. It was some electronic thing with blinking lights. I smashed it with a bat. You may say, “Hey, Frank, you shouldn’t have been so quick to smash that with a bat. You should have waited to find out what that was; it could have been a good thing.” To which I say, “Hey, Pollyanna, it also could have been a bad thing that could have destroyed us all. All I know for certain was that I didn’t understand it, so I smashed it with a bat. That’s my policy.” There are some things, though, that I don’t understand but am unable to smash with a bat. Like, I don’t understand why America has so many citizens. So, when I can’t understand something but also can’t smash it with a bat, I write an editorial. In a way, editorials are my bats to smash concepts I don’t understand, and, in this case, why America has so many citizens is the electronic thing with blinky lights that needs to be smashed.

“With each revision, I get a longer period of non-murderous fruit-picking.”

 Do you know how many citizens America has? Hundreds of millions. That’s a lot of people. To put it in a concept easier to grasp, think of one man standing in an auditorium. Now, think of a hundred million times that. And think of some of them as Mexican. That’s scary!

 Every day, the best and brightest of other countries come to America to be citizens, but, at the same time, we don’t throw out our worst and dumbest. Why? Well, everyone who is born in America gets citizenship automatically. I know; it’s not like being born is such an accomplishment (well, it’s a bit harder since Roe v. Wade), but, still, that’s all you have to do and you’re here forever even if you’re a moron and you suck. That’s not right. Everyone should have to prove his or her citizenship.

 Of course, I would easily get citizenship. I work hard, I am super-smart, and I know how to use firearms; I’m the model every citizen should follow. I’m even working on making robots to pick fruit so we don’t need illegal aliens to do that. So far, they all eventually go on murderous rampages, but, with each revision, I get a longer period of non-murderous fruit-picking. Anyway, I could not understand how anyone could think I should not be a citizen. In fact, I would smash such a person with a bat.

 So, smart people who design fruit-picking robots should be citizens, but smelly hippies who whine about America should not. For each immigrant we take, we should deport at least three hippies. Other countries may not like us forcing them to take our wretched refuse, but that’s why we have a whole military designed to kill foreigners. They can make countries like whatever we want them to like.

 So let’s make a better country by being more discriminate about our citizens. First thing, let’s revoke everyone’s citizenship, including especially Congress’s. Then, everyone has to prove their worth or be deported to whatever country we’re currently bullying. It may not be Constitutional, but the Supreme Court will have their citizenship revoked too, so the point is moot.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on He is also the author of such books as “Making Robots Less-Murderous: A Beginner’s Guide to Robot Design” and “Smashing Hamlet with a Bat: A Guide to Shakespeare from Someone Who Didn’t Understand It”.

Who Doesn’t Love a Giant Flaming Wall?

I hear some private citizens are going to construct their own wall along the Mexican border in the style of the wall the Israelis built to keep crazies from trying to blown them up. I think this is a bad idea. If we have walls like the Israelis, then we’ll be just like them, and I want to worship Jesus. I have a better idea.
A wall of fire!
It would be like one of those eternal flame memorials, except all along the Mexican border and the fire would shoot up 25 feet in the air. And think of the advantages of a wall of flame:
* Can’t be graffitied. Fire burns paint.
* Can’t be scaled. Fire is not only hot, it is not a solid.
* It’ll be really cool looking. Think of all the tourism to see the wall of fire. And it will be great to have barbecues next to.
* Illegal immigrants are much more scared of fire than concrete. There are studies to prove this.
This looks like an awesome idea. Considering the cost, we could build one along the Canadian border too. With all this focus on the Mexicans, let’s not forget those devious canuks. Not even their armies of meese will be able to get past our flames.
Just more outside of the box thinking from your friend Frank J. Hell, I lost my box years ago.

Hey, Everybody!

Hope everyone had a great weekend (or a solemn one, if you actually observed the holiday). Anyway, I haven’t been following the news for more than four days, so I have some catching up to do. I saw that Senator Reid got free ringside boxing tickets, though. Man, I want free stuff like that.
Heh. I can just imagine Reid at those boxing matches, rising to his feet and screaming, “Finish him!” That Reid is a badass; you don’t want to mess with him.
BTW, since I found out my video software is so easy to use and gives me free hosting, I may do some more flogging (v-blogging, if you must) in the future. I have my ideas (other than more video of Rowdi swimming). What would you guys want to see?