An Even Better Ending to 24

I liked the seaon finale for 24 last night, but I have a tweak that would have made the ending perfect:

They should have ended with scenes of Jack Bauer being beaten up by the Chinese while they played that song “Bad Day” that they always play on American Idol when a finalist is voted off. It would be a great cross-promotion, and it would be so perfect if they faded to black with the last couple seconds ticking off as the final notes of the song played.
“So you had a bad day…”


  1. Every time I think I’m done chuckling at that, I start again. That would be such a hilarious ending…
    And, but, also, how great was it that after slapping his wife around and threatening to drug her into oblivion, President Deadeyes tossed her a hankie and said “Clean yourself up, you’re a mess.” Did anyone else IMMEDIATELY think of Clinton and Juanita Broaddrick? I know it was a different line, but the correlation was obvious to me…

  2. I’m not pleased with the cliffhanger ending. This is my first season watching 24, and I entered into this agreement under the false pretense that each season concluded with a finite resolution of the day’s events. They lied to me!!!
    Having Chris Daughtry sing Fuel’s “Bad Day” would’ve been a good cross promotion choice too, especially if he signs on as their new lead singer.

  3. Jack Bauer Shanghied! What a buzzkill of a finale. Hope Bombtruck is right. That could take a whole season. Plastic, ivory or bamboo? Will he put ’em in little boxes with little wire handles? Delivery or pick-up? I can’t wait!

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