And Let’s Hopefully Speak of This No More

I think this is a very good summation of the whole Colbert kerfuffle (I think it’s funny this digby character weighs in – the same one who got his panties in a bunch over a couple of right-wing t-shirts; who died a horrible death and made him lord of humor?).
UPDATE: Since one of my readers was mean to him, here’s what Jim Treacher (who is not both a homosexual and a liberal as far as I know) thought about Colbert.


  1. “If you do not bow down before the prophet Colbert, we will smite you at the necks!”
    – fake, but accurate moonbat quote
    (They collaborate with the terrorists enough – some of it is bound to rub off on them).

  2. gaah!!… please, never ever link to digby again…
    at least not until he fixes the hundreds of javascript errors in his page. i work html for a living, so i have my browser set to display a message for every error and when his page loads, it’s nothing but “javascript error: would you like to debug?” NO “javascript error: would you like to debug?” NO “javascript error: would you like to debug?” NO “javascript error: would you like to debug?” NO “javascript error: would you like to debug?” NO “javascript error: would you like to debug?” NO

  3. The two jokers that bombed where the ones involved in the dumb and dumberer routine that preceded Colbert. Colbert rocks because he makes fun of people that blindly follow the bush administration and morons like Rush Limbaugh. But no one at IMAO actually believes the Iraq War is going well (especially after the Basra incidents this week) or that Bush is actually doing a good job. We all know that the people on IMAO actually just pretend to hold their positions because they can’t stand the far left and they want to upset them. So you say “Colbert Bombed” because you know it will upset the left. IMAO is intentionally unfair and unbalanced simply because it likes to mock the far left. In other words, IMAO is just a farce — no one would actually hold any of these views (like the idea that we are winning in Iraq) — views that are clearly and 100% false when held up to the facts.

  4. I have yet to understand the idea of someone repeatedly visiting a site where their ideas and comments are consistently ridiculed.
    I bet people like them constantly put their hands in fire because someday it may not hurt.
    The fact is that even though the Drive By Media (yes that is a Rushism) won’t report it, there are positive things happening every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. To hear about it though you might have to talk to one of those vile, violent, barbarians who put their lives on the line everyday to give you the opportunity to be a jerk.
    By the by- I am sick and tired of the goose stepping Republican comments. I seem to remember back during Cigar gate that there were people marching in lock step to the party tune, even when it was proved that the “President” lied under oath about his actions and his relationship “with that woman” Monica Lewinsky. It did however give people like Colbert something to talk about.
    PS He stunk… like a skunk, dead on the road for days. Stink, stank, stunk.

  5. Actually, no one here is claiming Colbert bombed because of his leftist views. They’re pointing out the fact that he bombed because no one laughed at his “jokes.”
    That’s pretty much the definition of a comedian bombing. But now, in order to prop up a fellow Liberal loser, I guess Liberals will now attempt to redefine what bombing is, like they tried to redefine what “oral sex” is.

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