Because only Guatemalans are illegal…

What do you do when your country is overwhelmed by illegal immigration?
In America you hunt them down and talk them into voting for you. In Mexico, they build more DETENTION CENTERS!!!
Here’s a headline right from the front page of our local spanish paper La Opinion (Motto: Habla Espanol?).
It turns that Mexico is having a bit of a problem dealing with illegal immigrants. Thankfully, it occured to them to send the illegals back. This is much better than creating an express lane to Tijuana, with a free pass to the underground tunnel.
Here’s a translation of the first few paragraphs.
Mexico will construct more deportation centers . Between 2002 and 2006 the total number of undocumenteds rose 74%.
The Mexican government plans to build at least 13 detention centers to deal with the increasing number of foreign migrants on their way to the United States. In the last 4 years this total has risen 74%.

There’s more.. it goes on to detail that …
Mexico has committed to an agreement with four other countries stipulating that deportation be safe, dignified, and fast.
…All deportations will occur within 24 hours. That is, between the time a person is caught and the time they are on a bus on their way back to their country, there should not pass more than 24 hours.”
Somebody call Harry Reid. Not only is Mexico forcing illegals to go back home but I’m sure that they aslo require the illegals to speak in Spanish. That has to be racist.


  1. Just follow the UN model:
    America = bad
    Everywhere else = good
    The exception is if any country needs money or military protection, in which case not only are we still bad, but we owe it to them.

  2. Mexico only has a few hundred girly miles of southern border — only they call them kilometers of border for some silly reason — and has some convenient mountains there, I think. Or swamps. Or jungles. Not deserts or large, rich American cities with perfect weather*, anyway.
    Whereas we’ve got thousands of miles of border, and the only real physical barriers are a river that isn’t much of one and some fence just south of San Diego.
    *Disclaimer: To anyone who might be considering ignoring the high taxes and moving to California… the weather is only mostly perfect here. It does rain two or three days a year. And it’s not sunny and 72 degrees every day, it only seems that way. And no matter how much you might want him to, Arnold doesn’t punch Democrats on live TV in Sacremento. Oh, and ignore this disclaimer if you’re a hot twentysomething female with a thing for balding computer geeks..

  3. Since we all know that everything is bigger and better in Texas (and it really is, I’m not kidding) they should build 130 detention centers and make it 12 hours between the time a person is identified as illegal and the time they are on a bus back to where they belong. Then they could connect those 130 centers with 1,300 centers throughout the country that would facilitate the deportation of illegals to Mexico where their 13 centers could then send the deportees to their respective countries.
    Sounds like a plan to me.

  4. Well, you could start by having English-Keyboards with the letter (ñ)! 😛
    I mean, if you’re gonna deal with Español from now on in a daily basis, and i’m afraid of that, you better know ANO ain’t the same as AÑO.

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