Can Any Blog Even Compete with Daily Kos at Helping Republicans?

Kos has the new litmus test for whether Dems get the Kwazy Kos Kid vote: Whether or not a politician found Stephen Colbert’s performance at the White House Correspondence Dinner funny.
I think it’s really only a matter of time before the Kos and his denizens start viciously murdering Democrats for imagined crimes against the “progressive base.”
I’m serious, Democrats! Switch parties before these people get you!


  1. Can anyone answer a dumb question? Why do the ultra-libs always hide behind the American flag, the symbol for which they clearly have the most hatred and contempt? At least the flag of California contains a bear…all they have to do is change the background color to red…which brings me to another dumb question. Why, on election days, are the conservitive states represented by the color red, when it’s the liberals who are more truley represented by that color?

  2. When I try to imagine what the Kos Kreeps are like, first of course I get sick to my stomach, then my head feels like it’s going to explode, but finally after I have a lie down it comes to me.
    The Kos kids are people who have no real lives. They take perverse pleasure in making sure that anyone with a life is made miserable because misery loves company. They can’t see the good anywhere because to them there is no ultimate good, right , truth, or authority.
    That does tend to make folks kind of bitter. If this is the only life you have and you think it stinks, you’d be bitter too.
    Of course, I’m sure I’m wrong. I am a conservative and a woman so how could I be anything else. I’m just one step above Malkin to these individuals.

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