Despite Terrorists Threats, IMAO Will Still Try an Be Funny

As we all know, IMAO was brought down by either Saudian Arabian terrorists or Manbearpig, who is half man, half bear, half pig. Apparently, attacks were aimed at Aaron’s Rantblog which is still having trouble staying up. When it is up, make sure to send him hatemail for angering the Saudian Arabians, some of the world’s most peaceful people.
Despite these setback, IMAO will continue to move forward, making jokes about punching liberals in the face to conceal our hidden desires to kick liberals in the knee.
Remember: Only you – and the United States Military – can prevent terrorism.


  1. It sure would be great if a conservative site owner knew how to create a Java script or a shockwave game which would be a stress releiver for conservatives to shoot a liberal when they just can’t seem to handle
    hearing another liberal flap their gums. The game could consist of choosing to shoot
    targets such as Ted Kennedy or John F. Kerry or any other well known liberals.

  2. //As we all know, IMAO was brought down by either Saudian Arabian terrorists or Manbearpig, who is half man, half bear, half pig.//
    Three halves make one and 1/2, which actually makes me think of Ted Kennedy a little…except bears and pigs are generally cute, and Ted Kennedy is most definately NOT cute…he’s more of an orc…maybe a half orc…I have to think about this somemore…

  3. Hey. It couldna’ been manbearpig cuz we all know that Al Gore took care of him.
    Cereal. He really did. And we need to give him credit for that.
    I’m super cereal.

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