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sarahk is liveblogging the AI pre-finale tonight by telegraph — unfortunately an ornery mule kicked over a tree and knocked the wire down outside hooterville — don’t worry, they’ll get the wire re-strung any time now and updates will start streaming in



  1. If she’s in Hooterville, she must be voting for Taylor. I’m in Hooterville, too (Alabama) and my telegraph is fine. And that mule kicking over the tree bit is the oldest one in the book. Pay the BILL and it works just fine.
    Go Taylor.

  2. Actually I live in Hooterville. It’s been renamed since the show was cancelled. It’s now called Mound, Minnesota. We are called Moundemonians. We live on the shores of the famous Lake Minnetonka where our “boys” decided to take a Gilligan’s “Three Hours Tour”… “A Three Hour Tour”… Unfortunately, they didn’t get lost on Big Island and Ginger and Mary Anne…well…umm…”serviced” Daunte Fumblepepper and he’s now a Miami Fish…

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