Friday Open Line Just Like on RUSH!

The NSA is wiretapping illegal aliens who are trying to cover up Patrick Kennedy’s failed attempt to run over and thus end Barry Bonds run at the HR record because it’s an illegal war for high oil prices, but he supports the troops.
Your thoughts?
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  1. Pat Kennedy’s attempt to frustrate Barry Bonds is part of a greater conspiracy to get Barry to demand a trade to the New York Yankees, resulting in such a huge concentration of egos — Bonds, Steinbrenner, and New York in general — that it would trigger the destruction of the entire East Coast.
    We’re through the looking glass, gentlemen…

  2. I’m with El Santo on this. The thought of all those inflated ego’s in one place is too much to bare. It’s a good thing Trump is spending so much time in Florida. Anyone think it might be influencing the hurricane seasons the last decade or so. New York better watch out. There’s just so much bad Karma you want in a given area. The new World Trade Center may just get sucked right into the ground without any outside intervention.

  3. 1)Mac, Cream was the greatest power trio in the history of rock
    2) If George W Bush had only connected the dots using the intelligence gathered at the bar and through illegally wiretapping Patrick Kennedy, we could have stopped Patrick Kennedy from getting into the car and prevented the accident. Like all else on the planet, clearly George W Bush’s fault.

  4. The only reason Kennedy came to the Mayo Clinic was that it is in “occupied territory” the People Republic of Minnesota…”Where Nothing Is Allowed” according the mayor of Garage Logic! Of course if he REALLY wanted to get sober he might have considered Hazeldon, here in “The People’s Republic” which is, after all, the Harvard Law of Treatment Centers but as you say he is only trying to distract attention from Bonds while also coming here to cover-up the Minnestoa Vikings Love Boat scandal to make the release of Daunte Fumblepepper something we will forget. Make sense?

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