Fun Trivia

A 3% excise tax on long-distance telephone calls that was enacted in 1898 to help fund the Spanish-American War is now being done away with. Why?

Spain has finally been destroyed!


  1. They’re just making room for the Senate’s new 30% “just because they’re here illegally, commiting identity theft and forgery, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t receive government handouts” tax.

  2. I’m glad that war is finally over with and apparently, paid for.
    Talk about America’s forgotten war! Oh, I guess libs were a different breed back than. Wasn’t the whole “White man’s burden” thing more of a liberal Christian thing way back then? Talk about skeletons in the closet. Better pawn that crap off on the nearest Republican, before it sticks. Embarrassing and shameful, I tell you! Oh I forgot, you progressives already unloaded that one. Funny how that always happens! Just like the whole Dixiecrat thing got stuck to the Republican party. Nixon wanted the southern vote in 72 and the Democrats said “It’s all yours” with a 400 year history of slavery you will be blamed for forever, attached to the deal. And by the way, you Rethuglicans can take Thomas Jefferson’s nasty slave lusting ‘Republican’ penis, while you’re at it. The Democrats will take responsibility for Clinton’s naughty member, and the rather lame definition of the word “is”, if you will take full responsibility Jefferson’s slave raping thomas. The mind of Jefferson is thoroughly Democrat,though. And Don’t you forget it!
    As for Hitler’s missing testicle, Carl Rove is now back to using it as a political crystal ball down in his secret laboratory. The whole reading the bumps on Barbara Bush’s head thing, played out at the end of the Afghanistan invasion. Wasn’t worth a damn in the next invasion.

  3. Hmm.
    Does thomas get the regular capitalization or does it get the lower case treatment if applied to the male anatomy. In this case I decided on lower case. Jefferson was just an average build white boy, anyway. No need to capitalize than.
    The really amazing part is I actually stopped to think about that!

  4. So, the federal government let go of something after 108 years. Does this mean my wife will finally, after 108 years, let go of the time I… nevermind, you people will hang on to it too. Or probably not, I’m not THAT interesting.

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