Having Your Chocolate and Eating It Too

I guess with his reelection, Mayor Ray Nagin is now the Marion Barry of the new millennium. This raises the important question: Do we really need a New Orleans for anything? I mean, people can get drunk and make women take off their tops for beads about anywhere… and most of those other places won’t be ruined deathtraps run by the incompetent. Thus, I want to be the first to start a campaign to have New Orleans razed to the ground. Why spend countless dollars rebuilding the city and making new, stronger levies when it can be abandoned for free?
Am I talking anything other than sense here?


  1. Being a thoughtless FrankJ sycophant, normally I would fall right in line with this. I cannot do that on this one particular issue. Frank, People in Louisiana have been calling for the abandonment of New Orleans since before the hurricane.

  2. Dude, I was saying that we should bulldoze New Orleans since Ray Nagin started running his ignorant mouth, way back last year. That city should have just…sank…like Atlantis (or Atlanta, if you watch Futurama).

  3. We almost certainly need a port at the south end of the Mississippi, and we probably need things like oil refineries there. Whether it needs to be exactly at the current site of New Orleans is another question.
    San Franciscans should be grateful for Ray Nagin. He makes Gavin Newsom and the city/county (SF is its own county, thank God) Board of Supervisors look almost sane.

  4. Hell yes! I had been hoping that Katrina would do the job, but it looks like, as usual, humans must come in and fix what nature screwed up.
    Let’s transplant the Cafe du Monde and the golden statue of St. Joan of Arc, and let the city sink as God intended.
    Just to remind everyone, the only reason the city didn’t drown years ago was due to artificially controlling the river’s current (something to due with cement walls on the banks), which led to the lightning fast erosion of the coastal wetlands. In a few decades, the city will be underwater anyway, so why go to all the expense now to rebuild?

  5. Why don’t we just build the new levies inland of New Orleans, then use the current site of New Orliens as a big detention center for ilegal aliens. Yep, call it a DETENTION center…that will draw half of the ACLU down there. That way, no one will mind if another storm wipes out that whole area. The only tragady will be that more ACLU lawers wern’t in the area when the next storm hits.

  6. There are a few Cafe Du Mondes around. There’s one in Downtown Baton Rouge, I think, and there is definitely one in the Mall Of Louisiana in Baton Rouge. So that’s taken care of. I don’t care about some Golden Statue. We have enough statues around here.
    The only things I’d miss about New Orleans are the zoo and the aquarium.
    As far as a port goes, I think Houma already has a port, it’s just not as big. Of course Houma is kinda shotty too.

  7. I live in New Orleans so I vote no. As for the mayor I have to say that given what our open primary system left us with to vote on Nagin was the lesser evil of the two.
    Fortunatly the state Legislature just removed that nuts open primary system.

  8. A perfectly logical answer to the armpit that was New Orleans. Unfortunately, Lefties and logic never meet. This means that the DemocRats will insist that it be rebuilt again and again, until it has to have a space dome over it to keep the water out.

  9. “Am I talking anything other than sense here?”
    No, you are talking out of your ass as usual; but that doesn’t make you wrong or stupid.
    I no longer have any sympathy for the citizens of New Orleans. They re-elected that idiot. People died because of him and him alone; anyone who lives in that city deserves what they get from this point on. I want my money back, dammit!!!
    Sorry for my rudeness, but every single person that voted for Ray Nagin can go f**ck themselves. I have no tolerence for this kind of monumental retardation of government. It is clear to me now, given the people’s choice; that Katrina should have just finished the job it started. If you vote into office someone who will literally sit there and watch you die; then you deserve it.

  10. i think ruppie yedneck has a viable plan.
    I don’t live in Nuevo Orleans, but i bet i could finagle a vote on that option! i also bet that the poor saps who lost their homes would sleep easier every time it rained if they were above sea level, too!

  11. Yep, the Yuppie Redneck plan has some advantages – the water levies could become storm breaks at that point. Maybe the sedimentation could be channeled into the resulting gap and the old areas could also be raised (eventually) above sea level. The same Lefties who go on about rising sea levels, worse hurricanes, and the damage that has been done to the environment by obstructing waterways are the ones who are critical when it’s their city.
    What is it with ports and left wing idiocy, anyway? Descendents of sailors and those who hang around the docks waiting for them?

  12. I’m with Wes on this one. The alternative was Cajun Kennedy Mitch Landreiu, who pissed away almost a million taxpayer dollars on redecorating, and who promised to bring back Marc Morial to advise him. NOT the men you want in charge if and when that federal Katrina relief arrives en masse.
    Don’t buy into the MSM meme on Nagin. They were protecting Blanco, who prevented the Guard from coming in for a whole day and who refused to allow the Red Cross to bring food and water to the people in the Superdome. And who incidentally appointed the Levee Board. Democrats and their media minions have had it out for Nagin since he endorsed Bobby Jindal. The DNC fought hard against Nagin because they knew it that getting Mitch in office was the best way to keep Mary “Bring out your dead!” Landrieu in her stolen Senate seat.
    So whatever else you think about N’Awlins, you should give us credit on this one. Nagin is a race-baiting screwup in a lot of ways, but he was the right choice.

  13. After more years than I can count in the Mommy trenches I can tell you that sometimes all you can do with people is let them reap the consequences of their actions. They wanted Nagen, one of the people most responsible for the disaster that was Katrina. They obviously wanted a bigot, a racist and a moron. Really what they wanted is what Germany wanted when it got Hitler. Someone to tell them “Nothing is your fault, it’s all the ….fault ( insert personal enemy name here). They wanted a panderer, a sycophant, a liar and a thief and what ho! That’s exactly what they got.
    (stupid people make me furious)

  14. Listen, you guys are looking at this Ray Nagin thing all wrong. Normally the readers and commenters are not all pesimistic and whiney like a bunch of liberal monkey democrats. But with Ray Nagin you are all whiney and pesimistic.
    You guys seem to think the glass is half empty. (pessimists)
    I see the glass as being half full (optimist)
    For example, several of you have refered to Ray Nagin as being “Half-Crazy”. This is a pessimistic way of looking at it.
    I myself prefer to think of Ray Nagin as being “Half-Sane.” But then again, I am an optomist.

  15. Laura had a good observation.
    I can understand why we New Yorkers re-elected Rudy for 2 terms, He was the best choice despite his anti-gun slant.
    One can only hope natural selection stops New Orleans from reproducing itself.

  16. How do you really feel Cary from Houston? Speaking objectively, it is clear that there is no rational for rebuilding New Orleans. Universal Studios has it’s own Mardi Gras, and I am sure Key West or Tampa would love to take it on. Besdies, N.O. is a cess pool of liberal butt monkey democrats. No wonder Katrina pucnhed them in the mouth.

  17. Frank J., as the greatest civil engineer of your generation you are making too much sense here, standing as you are on a pile of the corpses of francophone midgets.
    Remember that if we DON’T rebuild New Orleans, not only will its former residents spread all throughout our country, but the Mississippi Delta will start resedimenting, forming more wetlands, and we’ll have to spend more money keeping people from building a city there than we would if we bite the bullet now and rebuild it.

  18. A friend of a friend lived in New Orleans a few decades ago. I heard his house got flooded – a foot of water in his living room – and when people expressed sympathy for his problem, he said, “That’s okay, it happens every year!”
    Throw a fence around the whole damned place and don’t let anybody out, and don’t let any taxpayer money in!

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