I Want My Government Open, Honest, and Scared

Anyone else wondering what Hastert and Pelosi have to hide with them acting so angry about FBI raids? I’m think maybe they have some sort of bi-partisan drug and weapons smuggling ring. I demand – DEMAND – that the FBI raid all Congressional offices and report their findings to us. We pay for their offices, so it’s our right to have federal agents march in them and overturn the desks and pull out all the drawers and tell us what’s there.
Really, if the FBI wants some crooks to arrest, where better to look than D.C.?


  1. I agree! I also demand that the FBI agents do some serious PUNCHING while they are at it! Don’t worry about party affiliation either…they have all acted like weasles! Punch ’em all and let God sort ’em out…or something like that…

  2. Great idea. And if one Congessman or Senator comes up clean, then he or she would immediately become the best candidate for president we’ve had maybe ever. “Vote for me. I ain’t done nothing wrong.”

  3. Knock knock. WJ: “Who dere when I say who dere?” FBI: “FBI”. WJ: “We can’t come out we’re doing the dishes”! FBI: “Congressman, we have a search warrant”. WJ: “No si habla”. Alberto Gonzales: “Eze hokay, I do mang”. WJ: “Oh Sh*t”! Can you show me a green card or a visitor’s visa”? AG: “No si habla”. WJ: “It would be unconstipational to search mines office”. FBI: “Aw, c’mon, please”? WJ: NO way, Jose. If we let you guys do this we will be held accountable for our criminal actions, both in and out of session”!
    AG: Holy Frijoles! Chur right mang, I bedder check with El Jefe Jorge Bush”! WJ: Good idea, er, can I get you guys to help me move this refrigerator down to my car”? FBI/AG: Sure, why not, what could it hurt”?

  4. “And if one Congessman or Senator comes up clean, then he or she would immediately become the best candidate for president we’ve had maybe ever. ‘Vote for me. I ain’t done nothing wrong.'”
    Actually, Paleo, I think that’s how we got Jimmy Carter …

  5. I am so mad I could spit on congress.
    On one side you have a bunch of liberal a$$ hats ,trying to give away the store, and not understanding the meaning of the word illegal. And on the other side you have the Socialist Damocraps led by the likes of Dean and Pelosi. There is no one to vote for, only against.
    Frustration – Being a conservative libertarian with a (f&r*ig^g_i%ng^) gosh darned republican controled house and senate.

  6. Roland,
    It could be worse, it could be a liberal democrat controlled House and Senate.
    I have a suggestion for Congress. How ’bout they get out of the way on immigration and send the FBI out to round up and deport illegals. Once that’s done and the border secure the FBI can take care of our political opportunists, if the American people haven’t already voted them out on their overly large, posteriors. Bloggers should be able to alert most thinking, intelligent voters about whose on the take. We’ll throw the blighters out.

  7. Let’s seach each and every congressman’s and senator’s offices and home and if any of them contain more than $1,000 cash, we’ll confiscate their homes, bank accounts, and cars whether or not they are later proved innocent.
    Just like they legislated for the “War on Drugs.”

  8. heck … I think that’s a good (and funny!) idea … raid all the congress-critters offices and homes … AND bank accounts!
    and there’s lots of spare FBI agents to do it … just pull them off this idiot Hoffa-search!

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