IMAO’s Equal Opportunity Policy

Although IMAO’s hostility toward liberals has been getting a lot of attention lately, I would like to remind our readers that it’s the official policy of IMAO to make offensive, derogatory, belitting jokes about EVERYONE, regardless of political alignment, religious belief, skin color, gender, sexual preference, national origin, or any other Self-Chosen Affiliation Marker that typically grants protected-victim status.
So, if you would like to file a grievance because your SCAM has not been sufficiently mocked or derided by IMAO, please leave a comment telling us what your SCAM is, and one of our culturally-insensitive customer slurvice representatives will hurl a thoughtless epithet in your direction.
If your comment is ignored, please keep trying, as your petulant indignation is important to us.
Thank you for reading.
IMAO: A Multicultural Rainbow of Diverseful Offensivity Since 2002


  1. I haven’t seen any hate mail against the Irish lately. I’m beginning to feel unappreciated. Of course we do have Ted Kennedy, who is a staggering comedy routine looking for a place to happen. Still, what gives?

  2. As a member of the Judean People’s Front….err or is it The People’s Front 0f Judea.. Anyway we have been properly or equaly descriminated against on this web site!!!!

  3. I’m a stocky, bald, red meat eating, gun owning, Army veteran, Catholic heterosexual man of Scotch, Irish, German descent, and sometimes my nose whistles when I write comments. While IMAO may have dropped the ball, I’ve been heartily lampooned from one or more fronts by every dumbass sitcom and standup comic in America.
    I do drive a Hyundai. Does that help?

  4. Thank you Frank J, I feel whole again. Not only are you pithy, but prompt as well. There must be an Englishman in your ancestry, but will keep that dirty little secret between you and me. Eh what!

  5. The mutts don’t get enough attention either….I’M STARVIN OVER HERE!! I am a mutt because I am a Kraut/Mick/Scot/Injun (proportion these as you like)!
    Also, since everyone seems to be jumping on the “hyphenated American” bandwagon (Mexican-American, Korean-American, etc.), I too am on it…let it be known that, henceforth, I will be referred to as a Texan-American!
    If I don’t see some inappropriate, cultually offensive comments, I WILL RIOT!

  6. Thanks, Lens,
    We need the wall! I am living in San Marcos (just south of Austin) so Allah knows, I am behind enemy lines….I gotta head north….I heard Idaho is nice this time of year! How is Wyoming, PaleoMedic….I know ya’ll’s tax rate rocks! LOL
    And, BTW, give it a few years and we really will be known as ‘Texicans’!

  7. I’m feeling left out as well…not once have I seen a single ethnic crack about a Norse / Blackfoot Injun hybred! Oh…wait…maybe because it’s because I call myself just plain American instead of a multi-hyphenation. Mnnn! White eyes speekum injun or leaveum country before next full moon…oh, wait…I am 60% white boy…never yu mind den.

  8. You haven’t really picked on us bloggers who get very little traffic, although your boycott from visiting/linking to us has proven quite effective.
    Besides that, I’m also a married man with two daughters, which means I’m all alone in a house of estrogen. Pick on me or pity me, doesn’t make much of a difference at this point.

  9. I’ve noticed a distinct lacking of the bashing of college students of the self-supporting, responsible-for-own-actions, voting-for-Republicans variety.

  10. There are several of us here who are responsible parents and pet owners. I don’t recall one bash at us for dressing our kids modestly and whatnot, and for leashing our dogs.
    Get with it, will ya?

  11. I am a white(Mostly British and German ancestry), Pennsylvanian, Seventh-day Adventist cartoonist. I also flunked out of college and have never been actually employed. And despite this, I am somehow a Republican.
    All sorts of mockable material there.

  12. Hey, how about some lovin’ for us Aussies down here. If we don’t get some quality snark soon, we’re gonna have to start taking some heads, or drinking ourselves out of our heads, or whatever.

  13. Hey dkidd420 – Move to Idaho. Think of it as being just like Wyoming, but with less sheep. Lived in both states. I also left Texas in ’67 for Oklahoma. Friends tell me that single event raised the IQ of both states. Whatever happens – Don’t move to Arizona. Forge the fence with Mexico, how do we keep the Californians from crossing the Colorado???

  14. I think everyone on this board has been somewhat negligent in mocking those people whose ears connect at the bottom, lacking sufficient lobes. The lobeless mock us at every turn, and yet we do nothing. It is an apathy which I fear will someday allow the lobeless masses to continue to slowly overtake us.

  15. I am an Irish Catholic cripple. My body is broken, why haven’t the smart folks at IMAO tried to “break” my feelings. We cripples feel left out with no mocking.
    I bid you all peace love and understanding.
    alll the best
    Martin “Ceann Rua” Corbett

  16. I am a white straight male. I have been called sexist, homophobic, warmonger, bigot, intolerant, fascist, teh man. Please try and find something new as these insults aren’t insulting anymore. They are more like a badge of honor.

  17. //shimauma, what did you mean ?//
    Well you said that as a cripple you felt left out of the mocking. My comment was referring to the extremely amusing crippled boy on the hit animated series “Southpark”. Timmy is also retarded though and can only say his own name, but when you requested to be made fun of as a cripple, I was immediately reminded of the episode “cripple fight” where Timmy and Jimmy(another cripple) have it out in a gradiouse fashion. Very Funny.
    But now you made me feel bad. So make it up to me by calling me a bad concubine…a VERY BAD concubine.

  18. bad concubine…fair play mate…I missed that south park. Two cripples fighting at school, reminds me of my jr. high where we had a deaf gang (not def cool, deaf, can’t hear). they ran our school ’cause no one ratted on them…but it brought a new meaning to the term gang signs.
    bid you all peace love and understanding
    all the best
    Martin “Ceann Rua” Corbett

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