It’s not quite the IMAO podcast, but…

I tried to write another script for the IMAO Podcast this week, but there were a few issues the other cast members had…

  • Despite illegall immigration being in the news, Harvey didn’t think “Harvey gets deported to Bearded Weirdo Land” was funny. Thought it would be more obvious to deport Cadet Happy to “Lawyerland” like they have in that old Jackson Browne video (“They’ve even got the moon!” “Can we nuke it?”)
  • SarahK wasn’t amused by my suggestion that she start “Road Trips With Mr. Shiny” with a stop at the Rayburn Building in DC. (“There’s something wrong with the elevator… maybe if I just bang on the panel a bit…”)
  • That Samurai guy kept whacking me in the head with a sword. (“You keep hitting me with the flat of the blade… do you need glasses?”)
  • Buck the Marine’s kinda keeping a low profile after “learnin some Iraqis their manners” last Fall. (Damn you, Murtha!)
  • Aquaman kept complaining of dry skin and needed moisturizer.

So in the meantime, you can enjoy the sixth Weekly Challenge on the 100 Word Stories Podcast. It is guaranteed to star none of the IMAO Podcasters (No, I am not Planet Z).

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